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Chaeryeong was crying all her tears all over Yeji bcuz she's hugging Yeji's arms. She rest her head onto the oldest's chest as Yeji caressing the crying lady.

" Aww Chaer-yah. Maybe it wasn't that bad. I mean who knows, maybe they were just talking as friends " Yeji said with a sad smile then Chaeryeong lifted her head aggressively.

" Or MayBe NoT!! " Then, she continued crying like Niagara Falls.

" Ryujin hates Her and now, She likes HEr??!! " she continue her sentence then blew her nose into the tissue.

The oldest sighed at the very sad and pitiful view in front of her. " Do u want me to leave u alone?? "

Chaeryeong aggressively shook her head then hugged Yeji's waist. " Aww btw have you found some new replacement for the secretary job?? " she asked.

Chaeryeong's eyes widened then immediately ran upstairs and shouting ' DEAr GOD How CoULd I FoRGet??!! ' while Yeji was just blinking her eyes and was dumbfounded on the couch.

" I guess I'm going to Jisu's and Yuna's place then " she got up from the couch then grabbed her keys to the door.


Chaeryeong was now surrounded by hundreds of resumes and workpapers. She looked through all of the applications and non of them suits her interest or approvals. The last one got her speechless, the resume was more like a flirt message for people who're horny af than a paper for people who want the job.

" Ugh, can't they fill these properly??!! "

Unfortunately, the lady was not having any luck but stress. She gripped on her hair tightly then released a loud groan. Which leads to a very bad hair day for her.

She sighed then took a deep breath as she closed her eyes. She then calmly looked at the BeAUtifuL resumes. She picked one up and nodded her head.

" I'm gonna burn them " she smiled as she grabbed a handful of the resumes and ran to her fireplace downstairs.

As she went down, she threw the papers at the fireplace then ran to the kitchen. She lit up a match that was found in the cabinet then threw it in the fireplace.

She nodded as an approval when she's admiring the beautiful red fire until it was interrupted by the knock on the door.

She sighed then walked towards it and opened it to reveal her ex-wife. " Ryujinnie " she said in shock.

" Heh, um hi, unnie " the younger said awkwardly as she hung her head low and placed her hands behind her back.

" Um can we talk?? If you're busy, it's fine then " she said, making eye contact with the older.

She nodded then gestured the younger to come in. Ryujin walked past Chaeryeong as she closed the door and walked behind Ryujin.

They both sat on the couch and the younger broke the silence. She cleared her throat then held her both hands.

" I'm sorry that I've created some harm on you. I never meant to make you cry or be unhealthy. Because the truth is... "

" I've still love you and it pains me to see you with another girl in your arms " Ryujin said, tears rolling down her cheeks. The older looked at her with teary eyes as well.

" But If you already move on or have another girl in your arms like that girl you kissed at yeh office, then- "

" Ew, not her. Pls " the older said in a disguted face.

The younger looked at her a shse was confused. " So you and her are not together??" Ryujin asked, casually wiping her tears away.

Chaeryeong chuckled then shook her head. " She was seducing me which backfires then she forced me to kiss her " she explained.

The youger then hung her head low again as she was embarrassed that she quickly assumed the older was cheating on her.

The older chuckled again then walked to the other couch she's sitting. She wrapped her arm around Ryujin's shoulders then used her free hand to cupped the younger's face and twisted it a bit.

" Look at me. "

She looked at her with puppy eyes then Chaeryeong wiped the rest of her tears. " I'll never cheat or betray you. Besides you're all I have besides Yeji and my family " she said.

Ryujin then rested her head on the older's chest while Chaeryeong was caressing her head.

" Oh why were you with Chaeyeon unnie?? " she asked.

" You saw us??! "

" Yea, now tell me "

The younger chuckled as she notices the older quickly became jealous within a second. " Nothing, she just apologize and informed that she has a girlfriend "

The older made a O mouth shaped then looked at Ryujin's eyes. She felt like she haven't see the younger's black orbs in her eyes for so long. That's when the older cupped her face then placed her lips onto the younger's.

It was surprise that the younger didn't push her away and kissed her back. She sneaked her arms to Chaeryeong's neck and her arms wrapped around the younger's waist.

After a minute, they both pulled away then their foreheads touched each other's. The younger giggled then her eyes travelled to Chaeryeong's monolid eyes.

" So um it's  fine if you don't wanna try again. I understand unnie " Ryujin put on a sad smile and got up to the front door.

" Wait!! " Chaeryeong yelled. Ryujin turned back to the older who's walking to her then bend down on one knee.

" Shin Ryujin, will you be my wife again?? And this time it's gonna be proper wedding " Chaeryeong asked with a genuine smile and held up the ring that Ryujin used to wear.

The younger gasped then aggressively nodded her head. The older put the ring on Ryujin's index finger and carried her in bridal style.

" Finally, you're officially my bride " Chaeryeong said proudly. The younger giggled by the older's enthusiasm then got carried to the older's bedroom.

She pushed Ryujin on the bed then jumped into the blankets with her and cuddled with Ryujin.

" I've missed you, unnie "

" I've missed you too "

Accidental Wife [ RyuRyeong FF ]✔Where stories live. Discover now