Chapter Twenty-Five

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New York City, New York

The Concorde Hotel

The sound of their heavy panting and a sinful zipper fills the hotel room.

She had expected Bucky to show up and for them to finally talk out a plan, but she hadn't expected that.

She's momentarily stunned as she feels the quick chuckle of his breath on the break of her neck where her coral top was slowly sinking down her flushed shoulder.

"God, I'm so sorry. I've just wanted to do that for so long."

It's a low timber that could leave any woman weak at the knees.

His sexual confession makes her press her thighs together and a jot shoots from her core making her groan. The quick orgasm was still leaving small chills up and down her spine.

Had that really just happened?

She spins around slowly until she's fallen up against the wall, its surface the only thing keeping her from falling to her knees. It was obvious how much he had worn her out with such minimal effort.

The smug face that haunted her dreams for seven years is looking back at her with no shame and not even a small trickle of regret. A devilish smirk peeks at the edges of his pretty rose lips. Her heart hammers away in her chest - the reality of what was happening not having yet sunk in completely. Her chest warmed up deliciously slow as her eyes glossed over, a feeling of love and simplicity consuming her.

She's felt something similar when she saw that wedding dress, the one she still couldn't stop thinking about it. The way she had felt when she saw it was the same way she felt right now as she tried her best to keep her focus on the figure standing in front of her.

Bucky notices the change of air between them, just by that look in her eye, and soon his are mimicking hers; Love. Simplicity. 

What was sexual lust and carnal need only a few minutes ago, had now transcended into something delicate and sweet.

A short breath escapes his chest as she hooks both her pointer fingers into the loops of his jeans, pulling him forward until his face fell naturally against hers. She didn't care that her pants and underwear were still pulled down and that she was vulnerably on full display.

She pressed her lips against his and kissed him as her life depended on it.

For the first time since yesterday, she finally allowed it all to sink in. She and Bucky were now in each other's arms, together. A couple? She wasn't sure. All that she was certain of was that Bucky Barnes was in her arms, and she was kissing him like she had wanted to for the last seven years that she's known him. He returns it eagerly.

It was a sweet kiss, mostly a peck until she had his bottom lip tugged in between both of her. She pulled back with a moan.

her soft eyes slowly flickered open and she was surprised to see him already staring down at her with so much admiration in his eyes, that when she decided to speak, she couldn't help that it came out so breathlessly.

"And that's all I ever wanted."

His gaze drifts down to her parted lips.

A curse escapes Bucky as he closes his eyes.

With a soft nudge and a twist of his head, he allows his nose to hit the side of hers, and he just stays like that - smelling her sweet perfume and the softness of her bare hips in his hands. He squeezes her there just softly enough to leave his indents on her flesh.

Carefully, he raises his left hand to the top of her head and his eyes open again as he drags his fingers over the top of her hair.

He sighs contently as he caresses her tenderly and watches her face. He couldn't help but just look sometimes.

Take It Back - Bucky Barnes x OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن