ten | blood bath

Depuis le début

"I'll take Cass to the jet. You can take Finnick?" Apollo offered, glancing at Daisie for approval.

"Wonderful." She responded, almost breathing out a sigh of relief.

Finnick's hands reluctantly dropped from Cass's face, a look of insurance floating in the air. Her eyes lingered on his momentarily before she was forced back to reality. She exhaled slowly, grudgingly taking her gaze from him and following Apollo out the door.

He didn't make any comments on her appearance or give her any unsolicited advice as they walked, their feet bringing them closer and closer to what awaited. The massive Capitol jet came into view as they exited the elevators, Peacekeepers guarding either side of the entry.

Apollo gave them a nod as they silently climbed inside, taking their seats against the wall. And it stayed silent. What could anyone possibly say though? All of the victors were on their way to the unidentified arena where they would fight to the death. Nothing could really alleviate any of the negative energy emanating from them.

"Your tracker."

Cass didn't lift her head or even flinch as a needle shot through her skin, the tracking device whirring as it entered into her forearm.

Apollo glanced over at her, anguish crossing his face. "Look, Cass, I know you don't want to hear anything right now; I don't blame you." He paused as she lifted her gaze. "I can't do anything to keep them from putting you in that arena, but I can provide minimal aid. The suit you have on isn't thermal. I'm guessing that means deserts or tropics."

"Thanks." She expressed, despondency lacing her quiet voice.

Time seemed to be on a mission, racing faster than it had the past two and a half weeks they'd been at the Capitol. It almost felt like they'd been there forever by the time last night had come, but now that she was on her way to the arena, nothing felt real anymore. She was really doing this. She was really going back into The Games.

The second those cannons went off, she had no idea what would happen. What she did know was that Katniss was the mission. Keeping her safe was the only thing that mattered. And Finnick. He was one person she'd also protect, no matter the cost.

The jet came to a stop, a loud humming noise filling her eardrums. A moment later, the doors slid up, revealing an enclosed hallway. Even after all these years, it looked the exact same— the ominous white lights blaringly shining down on her and the endless ivory corridor.

Cass stood up, wiping her palms on her legs. She let out a breath and made her way to the opening, Apollo right behind her. She knew Finnick already had the gold bangle Haymitch had given them, a sign of their alliance with Katniss. She also knew that convincing the girl would be extremely difficult, considering she trusted no one. Peeta and Cass already had a deal though. She knew she could trust him.

"All right. It's time." Apollo voiced, both of them stopping as they entered the launch room. He lifted up her gold necklace, clasping it behind her neck. "I remember when he gave you this. It's fitting you wear it again." He said with a smile, eyes pinned on the ornate, gold trident.

Cass grabbed the chain, quickly tucking it into the front of her suit. "Thank you. For everything, Apollo. I mean it."

"One last muse?" He replied, raising his brow.

Her eyes only narrowed.

"How long do you think Plutarch would last in his own Games?"

"Sixty seconds to launch."

Cass ignored the announcement, her shoulders irritatingly lifting up. "I don't know. Windward held the title of Gamemaker longer than anyone, reigning in at six whole years because of his deadly creativity. I can attest to that. Crane only lasted four." She paused, hardly masking her hatred. "Honestly, they'd be first to go. But why the hell do you care?"

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