Chapter 25 : Infinity Stones

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     You were so overwhelmed, you had known about Infinity Stones but it was so cool to see how they were intertwined in the team's history.

      Thor was moping, explaining the Reality Stone and all he knew about it. When he sat back down you patted him on the back.

     Next up, Rocket explaining everything he knew about the Power Stone, degrading Scott in the process.

      "Want to go to space, puppy? I'll take you to space." Rocket ruffled Scott's hair. Hours more of discussing rocks and Natasha finally came to a brilliant conclusion.

"Guys, if we pick the right year there were three stones in New York." Nat said. Tony and Bruce sat up in shock. It was solved, now all that was left was deciding who goes where.


"New York group, gather here!" Steve called out, you trudged over fiddling with the straps on your suit. Tony relayed the game plan. Scott and him were in charge of retrieving the Space Stone.

You and Bruce were in charge of finding the Time Stone and Steve claimed the Mind Stone. As a group, you fist bumped and gave each other little pep talks for support.

"If we fail I'm killing myself." You joked. The group stared at you with varying concerned looks.

"I'm kidding," you deadpan. Scott awkwardly chuckled. You stepped up onto the platform, syncing your watch with your group's.

"See you in a minute." Nat smiled. The suit's activated and you were thrown back into 2012.

You landed in the center of New York. Smoke and fire poured out of the destroyed cars which surrounded you. The 2012 Avengers were assembled and ready to battle.

"That suit was doing nothing for me," you sighed, cringing at the absurd amount of zippers on your old suit.

"Alright lets split up, and meet back at in the future." Steve says.

"Stay with your group," You added, climbing onto Bruce's back. He helped you up and held onto your thighs tight as he leap ahead, weakly smashing cars in his path.

"Do you think Dr. Strange will be my fortune teller for a little change?" You asked as he made his way through the city, avoiding the battle.

"I think that I should do all the talking," he sighed. You scoffed in fake offense but you knew it was probably for the best.

He landed both of you on the roof of the Sanctum Sanctorum.

"I wouldn't go that way if I were you," a bald woman dressed in yellow spoke. Bruce growls like he had forgotten how to Hulk.

"The fuck are you doing?" You ask. You slid down his back, landing with a soft thud on the rooftop.

"How can I help you?" The woman asks.

"We're looking for Stephen Strange," you told her.

"You're about five years too early." She explained.

"Well actually, we only need that." Bruce pointed at the eye shaped pendant handing from her neck. She laughed.

"I'm afraid not," she sighed. Bruce cracked his knuckles and stepped forward. She whacked him in the chest, pushing his body through the air, projecting his astral form.

"Oh boy," you glanced towards Stark Tower hoping the others weren't facing a delay.

The bald woman revealed her name to be The Ancient One which earned a giggle from you. Back and forth she and Bruce debated for a while wether the two of you should get to keep the stone.

"Lady, I just want to borrow your necklace," Bruce sighed.

"At what cost?" She asked. She begins to lecture the two of you, showing you how the infinity stones bring balance to the timeline and universe.

"If its so important then how come Strange gave it up?" You interrupted her.

"He gave up the stone?" She asks. You nodded, staring at the Eye of Agamotto hanging at her neck. She plucked the pendant off her chest, rubbing her thumb against the texture.

"I don't know, maybe he made a mistake," Bruce shrugged.

"Strange is supposed to be the best of us," she shakes her head. With a few motions of her hands the eye opens and the green stone floated towards Bruce. She gave him his physical form back and you were on your way.


"Oh my god did we make it?" You looked around the circle of all the Avengers. Clint dropped to his knees. You looked around, Nat was nowhere to be found. You exchanged knowing looks with the rest of the team.


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