Kiss My Scars

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"I'm really sorry,Cara. But,I wanna do something with my life. Make a name for myself. And moving to San Diego is the only way i'll accomplish my dreams." He said with a frown.

"I'll come with you then." I said almost in tears.

"It's best if you stay here. I'm not saying I don't love you. Maybe it's best if we seperate for a while though..." He whispered.

"Seperate? What the hell for? We're perfect together!" I cry out.

"Cara. We aren't perfect together. Just look at us. We just aren't meant to be." He said so lightly you can barely hear him.

"Aren't meant to be? And you think you can make it big in San Diego but we aren't meant to be?" I yelled stepping toward him.

"Yeah. You can't change my mind. I'm moving to San Diego and were breaking up. That's it,Cara." Vic said and that's when he turned his back on me.


4 years~

[A little Note-Cara,Vic's ex girlfriend. She's now 20. Vic is now 25. Mike is 23. Tony is 20 and Jaime is 22. Cara is currently living in San Diego. ^~^]

"Welcome to San Diego's own shopping centre. We come here every other day and it's still exciting." My friend,Harmony giggled.

"Not really weirdo." I laughed.

"Wait. Do you see that? It looks like I band is setting up to perform." She said super excited.

"Wanna go get an early preview?" I winked.

"Oh yeah!" She said and we fist-bumped. We got out the car and walked over to the stage. Not many people gathered around so we were in the first row. Two of the guys on stage caught my attention. The singer looked strangely fimiliar. And the guitarist was handsome and had the cutest smile ever.

"I like the guitarist." I said to Harmony who was chatting with some guy behind us.

"Well nevermind." I say to myself. I turn my attention to the band again. The just finished the song they were performing.

"I know we aren't famous yet. But can we have a volenteer for this song? Ladies preferably." The singer laughed. His laugh is super fimiliar. I have his name on the tip of my tongue! I snap back into reality and shoot my hand up to show I want to volenteer.

"How about you. Help her up Turtle." The singer says pointing to me then saying to the guitarist. I smiled as he pulled me up onto the stage. I then walked over to the singer.

"What's your name babe?" He said with a smile.

"Cara." I smile.

"I'm Victor. Nice to see you again." He winked.

"Again?" I ask confused. Well not really comfused. He is Vic. My ex boyfriend that left me to come here.

"Haha don't worry. We'll talk backstage. But for now we preform. You know how to dance?" Vic smiles warmly.

"Oh yeah." I say fist-pumping the air.

"All right then. Let's do it!" Vic laughed as he began to sing. He was amazing at singing. I never knew he could sing that good. He took the guitarists' guitar and the guitarist took my hand. I followed to the beat of the song and danced with him. He smiled at me. He was adorable.

"I'm Tony Perry." He grins.

"I'm Cara Lopez." I reply and smile.

"You know Vic?" He asks.

"He's a stranger now. But, we dated about four years ago." I say shyly.

"Oh okay. So you're single still or you have a boyfriend?" He asks biting his lip.

"Single." I say staring at him biting his lip. I smile brightly.

"Thank you everyone! Hope we didn't kill you with our music!" Vic laughed. He then escorted me backstage.

"Damn,Cara. It's been a while hasn't it?" Vic sighed.

"Yeah it has. Four years." I said looking at the other band members. They looked at me and Vic confused.

"This is Jaime our bassit and backing vocals,Tony our guitarist,Mike my brother and drums,and then me." He said pointing to everyone as he introduced them.

"Hello!" They said in sync.

"So why did you bring me backstage? I'm not sleeping with you if that's what I'm here for." I said raising my eyebrow at Vic.

"We seriously need to hang out." Tony blurted out.

"We will." I giggled.

"No it's not anything like that. I just wanted to see you again." Vic shrugged. I glared at him confused. Why would he wanna see me? He did leave me after all.

"Ok. Well,Cara. You seriously wanna just hang out sometime this week?" Tony asks looking down and scratching his head nervously.

"Of course. I'll be glad to hang out with you." I said.

"Awesome. Is it okay if it's all of us? Referring the band and you. And me." He asked happily.

"No problem. I have to go now. Here's my number,just call or text me whenever." I smile and write my number on his hand.

"Cool,thanks. I shall call or text you soon then." He laughed. Ah his laugh made me smile.

"Nice seeing you all. I guess I'll see you guys again." I smile. They say bye and I make my way towards the parking lot. No sign of Harmony. No text or call either. Really strange.

"Need a ride?" A voice says running a finger down my back.

"Who are you?" I ask scared out of my mind.


Woah just the beginning and I like it so far. Is it good? I'm sorry if it sucks :,c well I'll keep updating :)

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