We Celebrate mt Cousins Birthday

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I finished getting dressed. I have my royal blue, ankle length hair in my signature braid which reached a few inches below my knees and showed my violet sections, I looked at my royal blue eyes with a hint of lavender, my ice blue head piece on with my family crest in the middle, I have a black turtleneck with my favorite navy blue crop top, ripped jeans, buttoned up my teal full body fur coat with my family crest on my right upper arm, and finished putting on my black platform boots that go up to my middle lower leg.
I looked myself over one final before putting on a black choker, my royal blue, blood red, and ocean blue bracelet, and my snowflake hair clip.
As I exited my room. I saw my thirteen year old sister. She had her shoulder length, sapphire blue hair brushed, teal makeup, was wearing her ice blue tiara that was made from forever ice and sapphires, egyptian and ice blue knee length dress, her favorite royal blue fur coat with our family crest on her right sleeve, which covered my royal blue wings with wave and snow design, black tights, ice blue heels, had her teal wings with an ice and snow design down, and was glaring up at me with her ice blue eyes.
She was known across all the kingdoms for having the coldest stare that could freeze lavada.

"Took you long enough. Come on, the carriage is waiting." She said, giving me an even harsher glare.
I smiled at her. "Bet I will make it there before you." I said, crossing my arms. "Bet! But no time traveling!" She exclaimed, then started running. I smirked and stepped into the shadows.
In a blink of an eye I was standing in the pavilion in front of the palace. I turned to where the carriage usually waits and I saw my parents standing in front of it.
"Hey mom, hey dad." I said as I walked over to them.
My mom has her violet and indigo hair in it's usual twin braids that go down to her waist, her bunny ears up, her tiara made from forever ice and amethyst, she has gentle lilac makeup on. She has a long sleeve, floor length, sparkly lilac and violet dress, with black silk gloves, a black shaw, and looking at me with her gentle lavender eyes.
My dad has his royal blue hair in a short ponytail, his fox ears as usual, his white and dark blue fox mask, the ice blue and midnight blue suit that he wears to family only celebrations, black boots, and his tail exposed, and looking at me with his not as gentle navy blue eyes.
“How did you get out here before me?!” Liohau exclaimed. "I traveled through the shadows." I answered. "No fair." She pouted, and crossed her arms.
Mom, dad, and I laughed, and Liohau joined in soon after.
"Come on. We don't want to be late, now do we?" Dad interjected.
We all got in the carriage. Once we were settled, Tifu, the coachman, took off.
I looked over our kingdom, the kingdom of Tiekluu, or its nicknames are the kingdom of endless winter, or the kingdom of techno music.
Yes, as in the genre of music.
I never understood why we let humans name the genres of music.
Tiekluu is the fifth of the seven music kingdoms in the music dimension. I still don't understand why we named it something so basic and obvious.
I should introduce myself.
My name is Giatssue Tekalolo. I am the son of King Walakiler and Queen Katura. My father is also the interdimensional god of winter, riches, and master of techno.
He sits in seat seventeen, meaning he is the seventeenth strongest interdimensional god.
Most humans don't know about the interdimensional goddesses and gods because they don't do most things directly nor do they seek credit nor worshipers.
They're also in charge of all the pantheons that humans do know about.
We recently found out that I'm the first high rank to become a top rank. This means I'm also a god, but I must figure out what I'm the god of, by myself, and non-gods can’t know about this, not until I claim my seat.
I am the god of death, but the god of death is not a permanent position for anyone until the true god of death is discovered. So, I must train someone to be the next god of death.
I got the news when I turned eighteen. No one knows how, but I am now a top rank.
The ranks are low, medium, high, and top. Top ranks are the goddesses and  gods. The only way to be a top rank is to be born one… except me.
Despite my mom's family and my dad’s family being extremely famous and powerful, I've never felt like I was in their shadow.
I am the strongest amongst my family of my generation (my parents generation is mostly gods), I have amazing friends and family, I do my own thing, I have mastered every weapon there is, I am one of the few interdimensionals who can manipulate time, I will be crowned king soon, and I'm the co-leader of seduction which I share with one of my best friends Mukogo, who is the leader of water demons.

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