Chapter 12 - Five Rings and A Question.

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A/N: I am officially back from vacation, meaning I will be starting back up at work again, soon... Very sad, yes, and it also leaves me with a smaller window to write, but I will do my best to puplish a chapter each week, of each of my stories. Thank you all for coming back to this chapter, I hope you like it!

Getting the tiara was a bit more of a problem than they had first realized. Luna knew where it was, yes. The room of Requirements. But the exact pinpointed location of it? Well... That was the tricky part.

It took them all DAYS to find it. Where som had to camp out in the room, at the different locations, so that the new team the day after, could come and take over at the exact spot. Eventually, a Hufflepuff Girl sent her signal up into the room and everyone hurried over.

"This is it..." Luna said and took it into her hands. "Good job, Hannah..." She said and the girl smiled, before running out of the room and off to not seem suspecious. "Well... What do we do now?" Neville asked and Ginny smirked.

"Well... Winter vacation is over in around 2 days... Who's ready to cause some chaos?" She asked and her eyes were gleaming mischiviously. "Hell yeah..." Neville, Seamus, Dean and Luna all said and nodded their heads. 

Most had been filled in on the Horcrux hunt, and nothing more... Everyone still hated the Slytherins and found them to below dirt at the moment.

"Did Harry even tell you how he wanted you to destroy it?" -Seamus.

"Nope!" -Ginny.


Passing out on the banks of a beach was not a part of the schedule, but none the less, it is what happened. Harry, Hermione and Ron, escaped Gringotts, ruining the goblet by throwing it into the mouth of the Dragon in the basement, and its fire combined with the acid from its stomach, sent a roar of Voldemorts spirit free.

"2 days until we return..." Hermione said as the moon stood high on the sky, the warmth of their fire keeping them warm in the cold winter night. "Yes... Give and take a few days... But I bet we're in for a good surprise once we return." Ron said and they all let out a chuckle, trying to keep the mood up. "It may have been hell these few months... But I am happy that it was spent with you two..." Harry said and they all leaned against one another, sighing deeply as they warmed up in the company of the only ones that they wanted at this moment.


Draco sat with the gift in his hands, wide eyed and in shock. It wasn't a big gift... But it was big to his heart. The letter that accompanied it, read:

-To my Greatest Love... My Mate... My Draco.Will you Marry me? I know, that this is not the way that any of us wanted the other to ask this. But I promise you, that once you and I are together again. I will ask formally. I will know your answer if you wear the ring, when we meet again. I love you so much, Draco. And I am sorry for all the pain that I have caused you these last many months. Happy 1 year anniversary.

-Yours TrulyHarry<3.

Draco had yet to open the box that followed, afraid of what he'll find. Although he knew what he would find. A ring... Probably very beautiful, and very Slytherin. If he knew Harry right. He thought about the ring he had given Harry last Christmas, and smiled when he thought about how the boy had never once taken it off, only when he had to wash his hands, and then it was right back on afterwards.

"You gonna open that?"

Pansy startled Draco out of his thoughts and he sighed as he saw his two best friends in the doorway to his room. He himself was sitting in his chair over by the reading corner and was just staring at the box. "Who even gave you that? A small dark green box?" Draco laughed softly at the memory of how he had teased Harry by laughing at the Green box that the boy had given him for Christmas.

"Harry..." He said and the two looked at him with wide eyes. "Have you opened it yet?! Maybe it's another pair of amazing earrings!" She exclaimed and Draco smiled shaking his head. "No... I know it isn't..." He said and Blaise eyes widened. "Mate... You're kidding, right?" He asked and Pansy looked lost.


Draco sighed and looked at her through his lashes, raising his brow slowly. Pansy looked at him and then at the box a couple of times, before it finally settled in her brain and she let out a loud screech. "OMG! OPEN IT YOU IDIOT!"

This made Draco sigh. He was still afraid... He loved Harry, he wanted to marry Harry, of course he did. But the prospect of a ring... Scared him. And he hadn't even seen it yet. Pansy was beginning to trip beside him and he nodded slowly. 'I want to Marry him...' He thought to himself and then opened the box.

Pansy fainted and Blaise had to grip the shelf, while Draco sat with wide eyes. "Bloody hell mate... What kind of power does your boyfriend have..?" Blaise asked and Draco just stared at the box. It held 5 rings. One that ressembled each of the houses and then one that held them all. It was amazing...

The Slytherin one, was of silver with diamonds lining the head of it, which was twirling like snake tails, and then green diamonds were embedded into it as well, one big green one in the center. The Hufflepuff one was rather simple, it had a thick silver band and 5 big yellow diamonds. While the Ravenclaw one was blackened silver, with a sapphire in the middle, and the band wrapped around it. The Gryffindor one was gold, with Diamonds and rubies lining the band, one big Ruby in the center, being held in place so that it looked like a crown.

The fifth and last one. Was a silver band that had engraved leaves and vines all around it, that held a triangle in place, as well as the four colours. The triangle had a line down the middle and a round diamond in the center.

Draco found the design familiar, but peculiar at the same time.

"He's the heir of Hogwarts..." Draco answered Blaises question, officially making the other boy faint as well. 

Draco just hummed and looked at the engraving in the lid of the box. "For my love. May we never part, no matter the house, no matter the fall out, no matter what life." He read aloud to himself and smiled softly. "Yes..."


Harry felt his chest fill with pride that night, and smiled knowingly. "Well... Ron..." He said and looked at the boy, who raised a brow at him. "Will you be my best man?" He asked and Ron looked at him as if he was crazy. "The hell you on about, Harry?" "You'll know soon enough..." He said and eyed his own rings. One particular one, that was made of gold and held a black stone... A silhouette in the middle, of a triangle with a line through it, and a circle in the middle.

"You'll know soon enough..." He muttered softly and watched the other two fall asleep, keeping a watch over them.

A/N: Thank you for reading! Remember to eat food, drink water and get plenty of rest and sleep. Your mental and physical health, is what is most important. Okay, stay safe! -Author Cupcake.

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