Miles is prob going to hell💪

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new names bc why not

miles : mm
prowler miles: pm
gwen:  whitegirl
peter b parker: Thedad
hohie: brit

more characters are coming but heres what you have so far^^


mm: nah bc tell me why some pussy ass bitches really tried jumping me

pw: who

mm: idfk but if someone try me today i swear on my momma ima send their heavy built breath ass back to the asscracks of hell

whitegirl: ASSCRACK???

mm: you heard me

Thedad: i did not teach him that🗣️🗣️🔥🔥💯

brit: damn someone put miles down☠️

mm: bro you got your ass beat by my mom then had to go to church ☠️🙏

mm: my momma had you on your knees bro

mm: my momma had you on your knees bro

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pw: see me personally

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pw: see me personally.....

*brit added Miguel*

mm: oh its on sight

pw: broski bout to pull up playing crazy story part 1,2 and 3☠️

Miguel: What is this.

mm: its a group chat you dumb fucking daughterless bitch

pw: again me personally i wouldn't let that slide

miguel: miles lets not forget how i body slammed you aright 🤣

mm: lets not forget how you had to take place of your alternate universe dead self  to become happy and be with your family and still ended up with a dead wife and daughter🤣

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