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It is recommend that sad songs play while you read. Thank you.

Pain; physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury.

Emotional pain isn't physical now, is it? It's not something that would cause you to bleed out, requires you to get stitches, or even something as serious as death. But yet... why does it feel like it? Who knows? Follow along with me, as we introduce you to our character. She doesn't have a name, but, she's real. This is her story.

"Mommy! Mommy! Will I be able to be pretty as you one day?" "But you're so pretty already honey. Prettier than mommy!" The little girl would giggle, hugging her mom close. "I love you mommy." "I love you too my princess."

Oh. Where did time go?

"I can't believe you have a boyfriend! I didn't think you could get one. Especially with that hair and glasses." Her friends laughed, teasing her. Oh. I couldn't get one? I'll prove them wrong... "Well looks like I got one after all!" She laughed back. Ow. That hurts. Shatter.

I wasn't enough.

"Hey! You think we could play together tonight?" "Not tonight babe, I'm busy." Oh. Okay. That's okay. "Alright love, maybe tomorrow?" "Whatever, up to you." What's the point? He's just with her again. Ouch. Okay, that's okay too. Shatter.

I was annoying.

"Girl, you won't believe what my boyfriend did again! He——————" Why can't I focus? Her words are lines. Blank lines. Why can't I understand? "Maybe you should break up with him." I slowly typed out, gripping my phone tightly as I sent out the text. Sent. "I still love him though, and plus I'm giving him benefit of the doubt, after all, this is his first relationship. How are you and your boyfriend?" What? Why bring him up? No. Stop. No. No. "Good..." "I love you more than he ever could." No. Please. Stop. No. Don't lie. You don't love me. Shatter.

Fuck. It hurts.

I'm crying again. Why does this keep happening to me? I want to be happy. I ruin everything. I'm irritating. Maybe... I don't deserve to be happy? There's tears everywhere. How many more nights must I face with wet pillow cases, puffy eyes, and a broken heart? Ow... it hurts. I run to the toilet and vomited. I see... blood? And is that... glass shards? Black out.

Oh. Where did time go?

"Wake up! Please! Wake up!" ...who's that? "Please, wake up! Don't die on me, please!" Who's screaming? Slowly opening my eyes, I see a bright room. Where am I? Oh... the hospital. I see a man and woman holding their 2 girls close, looking worried sick. Those are... my parents? I see a man next to me, clutching onto my hand, close to tears. Where am I?


I was throwing up pieces of my broken heart. It's as delicate as glass. It shattered inside and finally broke me. Is this what it feels like to die? I don't know. I want to end it all.

To be continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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