SEVENTEEN. in which the path is shrouded in darkness

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"Peachy keen." Adelina mumbles, her nails picking at the material of her pants.

"Does anything hurt?"

Natasha is greeted by silence.

"No." Adelina says quietly. You don't have to be an expert to see the Asian assassin trembling softly. "'m fine."


"I said 'm fine." She stills her bouncing leg to the best of her ability. Natasha lets it go, there's no point in forcing Adelina's hand. She continues to drive, her concern only increasing as she glances at the dark-haired girl from the corner of her eye. Adelina picks at the skin of her cuticles, trying to still her trembling body. She tucks some
stray hair behind her ears as Natasha continues driving.

Natasha's trying to be respectful. Respect the fact that Adelina needs space. Respect the fact that Adelina may not want to show her soft underbelly. Respect the fact that-

"What is there to live for?" The Asian assassin asks in a small voice. Vulnerability surrounds her person as her anxious black eyes meet Natasha's concerned ones. "What am I gonna die for? Who is there to fight for?"

Natasha nips at the skin on her lower lip. To be truthful, the questions throw her off-guard. She masks it the best she can, but she can't keep her jaw from tensing slightly. She chooses her words carefully, praying she won't say something that'll make Adelina jump out of the moving vehicle. "I can't answer that."

"You're an Avenger." Adelina chuckles, almost condescendingly. There's a soft glint of patronization in her eyes, and it doesn't take a genius to see it. "You're an agent of SHIELD. You've escaped the Red Room by yourself. You're the human embodiment of the forces of evil becoming a force of good. How can you of all people tell me that?"

"It sounds hypocritical, I know," Natasha nods in acknowledgement, her gaze softening. "But... as much as I want to, I can't force you to do anything. I can't force you to be an Avenger, to join SHIELD, to even be a good person. Hell, you could become the head of Hydra if you wanted to. I hope you don't — with every piece of my person, I hope you don't — but... I can't make you."

"You've kept me captive this whole time."

"We both know there's a part of you that wants to stay." Natasha's bluntness causes Adelina to stare at her. "But, seriously, I can't answer your questions. I know Dreykov usually has a plan for everything you do, everything you think... but outside of the Red Room's walls, there isn't a leader who can control when you blink and if you get to- to breathe. I can't tell you everything you want to know. It's up to you to figure it out." She glances at Adelina, a soft smile tugging at her lips.

"You're not gonna tell me to join you guys?" Adelina's brows furrow in confusion.

"I want to. I really do. I encourage it. But I can't make you. If I made you, I'd be just as bad as him. Maybe you'll find someone to live for, someone to die for, someone to fight for." Natasha's shoulders raise in a small shrug. "You and I both know that my life has had its share of troubles, but now I've found my place to go. Maybe your place isn't SHIELD. Maybe it's some high school where you'll get to have a normal teenage life."

Adelina says nothing, part of her silence stemming from shock. She had expected Natasha and the rest of SHIELD to stay in the light, to fight for "the right cause," whatever that cause might be. She's surprised to see Natasha sitting here, saying that other options are available.

BEAUTIFUL CRIMES ▹ Mama!Natحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن