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Damion                                                                 Monti                                                                      Maikalo 

•1 little, 2 care givers, all have powers (I'll explain later) Don't laugh! I used picrew cuz no one would have a clue what I'm talking about😭) June 20, 2023 18:12

•1 little, 2 care givers, all have powers (I'll explain later) Don't laugh! I used picrew cuz no one would have a clue what I'm talking about😭) June 20, 2023 18:12

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Maikalo is in distress. With school and his shifts he was severely overwhelmed; haven't relaxed in a couple of weeks. He was sitting on his bed and finally slipped putting his legs to his chest and let everything out he's been holding. Quietly crying, not wanting to disturb, Montí comes into his room to check on him.

"Hey, you okay?" Maikalo looks up at him and sobs even louder gripping his hair with his right hand. During these times, he's mostly non verbal. Montí realizing he slipped walks and sits across from him. "Aww, sweet pea, c'mere". He grabs one of his hands and massages it. Maikalo calms a bit until a small white spark erupts from his hand shocking Montí. His eyes widen. Montí pulls his hands back in shock but quickly tries to calm Maikalo down until he jumps up from the bed realizing what's about to happen. He can only make out whimpering noises until red and white sparks start crowding around him (Star Trek but electric volts⬆️).

Lights starts flickering. Montí takes off his grey cardigan and uses his chains to grab Maikalo and wrap the cardigan around him. He gets electrocuted in the process and they fall with Montí landing on the ground to protect but blacks out for a split second. He hurriedly gets up and starts rubbing the younger with the cardigan and smoke starts to erupt from the electric boy. "You're okay, you're okay" not wanting him to cry again. Montí, with his long curls in a braid, the smoke latches on to his hair burning the ends; he puts it out. The younger boy in his arms is in shock not being able to say anything, tears streaming down his face.

"Hey, the lights were flickering and I heard a bang. Is everything okay?" Montí looks back to see his husband, Damion. (That's his boyfriend but husband sounded so much better. Btw they're 15). "Yeah um," Montí lets out a breath. Damion sits next to them taking in that Maikalo slipped. "Hey, kid." He wipes his teary face. His face feels very hot. His eyes slightly widen not wanting to scare the kid into thinking something is wrong. "He's hot, grab his shirt." Damion turns on the fan behind them directing it behind Maikalo while Montí takes off his shirt leaving him in a sports bra while throwing his dark red curls into a bun. Damion hands Mikey a Meowth plushy. "We're going to grab some snacks, do you want the door open or cracked? Maikalo uses his hand to make a 🤏🏾 motion wanting the door cracked.

Both care givers walk out the door heading downstairs. As soon as they get to the kitchen, Montí leans over the counter taking a deep breath. He gets up to grab the supplies but Damion stops him. "Hey, take a break. I got it." He kisses his forehead and grabs some water bottles and sour cream and onion Pringles. They walk back into the room to see the little with his eyes closed rubbing the Meowth plushy with his thumbs clearly relaxed. They sit next to him and the little opens his eyes.

He's now his age. He smiles that they came back for him and Damion hands him a Pringle. "You good kid?" "Yeah, I'm alright". The care givers are glad Maikalo is back to his original self. They enjoy their peace and company of one another chatting and eating with a slightly unexpected day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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