The Batman Vengeance

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(Now I had two ideas for a Batman story, and I could go either way depending which one is liked the most.

This is idea 1)

The Batman Vengeance is a story about influence, compassion, and justice over vengeance. Bruce will learn what he needs to do to be a true hero to the people of Gotham. He'll strive to become their hope and their idol for the years to come. He will learn what it means to actually change the people of Gotham for the better, criminals included.

Bruce is going to learn to separate the identities of Bruce Wayne and Batman. And he will understand that he must try to keep up his appearances as Bruce Wayne. Throughout the story, Bruce is a complete recluse; he's never shown his face in public and is even forced to go to Wayne Enterprises at times by Alfred. Even at the meetings, Bruce remains distant, refusing to take charge and just letting his corrupt board abuse his power. But it's through the actions of the villain that make Bruce realize how much he needs to be a Wayne.

(A minor detail that I want to add is that Bruce has a thick beard, which is meant to symbolize how grizzled and sad he is.)

When it comes to Batman, the story will lean more towards that part of Bruce's life. What I wanted to do here is study of his morals and his dedication to them - specifically the no kill rule. They would be tested and turned against Bruce, which would cause him to doubt himself. This would mean he'd need an antagonist that would rival him in that matter. The antagonist should be a mirrored copy of Batman. A character who defies Batman's morals, and he would be an example of why Bruce shouldn't kill.

Now here me out real quick, for me personally, I want to use a villain that's lesser known. And when I say lesser known, I mean lesser known. I will talk more about him after I explain the opening.

Taking place years before Clark's arrival, this story would show one of Bruce's earlier adventures as Batman. By the time this story takes place, Batman has already become an established hero with a growing rogues gallery.

In the opening scene, we should see a glimpse of the type of person this Batman is; he is very young and vengeful. This character uses his anger at himself and channels that energy into mindlessly beating criminals senselessly. He blames himself for not doing anything that night in the alley, and treats himself worse due to the fact that he's developed some sort of a memory loss from his parents murder. He can still remember them dying, but the exact details are blurry.

To briefly explain the opening, we get some exposition from Bruce. He explains that this is his second year and teases what his first year was like (Very Batman Begins with him going against the League of Assassins). Then he explains the state of Gotham and how it's getting worse since he's arrived. He doubts himself, thinking that maybe Gotham would be better without him out there to escalate the problem. We then cut to Bruce in an old model batmobile (Batman '89 style), chasing some bank robbers. He manages to run them off the road and out of their car but damages his car in the process. With a very "The Batman'' opening fight scene, Bruce engages in a very brutal and one-sided fight - despite this Bruce still being new, he's still a pretty formidable combatant. All are taken out but one of the criminals, the driver. He uses a kid as a human shield against Bruce and attempts to leave with him. Using a maneuver with his grappling hook, Bruce is able to free the kid and get to the driver. The fight would officially end with Bruce stopping himself from going too far. He looks up to see the people of Gotham watching, terrified of him. The only person who wasn't scared was the kid.

Bruce won the fight, but not the people. This is when the monologue ends with Bruce talking about whether or not he should stop. After the fight, Bruce then gets a call about a murder.

For the villain I've decided to go with Lyle Bolton- aka Lock-Up - to be Bruce's adversary (He's a character from the old Batman the animated series cartoon). Lyle was a GCPD police officer who was demoted and turned into a guard for Arkham Asylum, where he would then be promoted to warden.

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