Jiang Cheng bit the inside of his cheek and nodded, deep red already spreading across his neck like wildfire. Lan Xichen hugged him, one arm around his shoulder and the other wrapping around his waist. Surely they can both hear each other's beating hearts, thumping like crazy.

Lan Xichen smiled, suddenly so so happy. He whispered in Jiang Cheng's ear, "Can I kiss you, Wanyin?"

A sharp gasp. "Xichen-ge!"

Lan Xichen pulled away and laughed, stroking the younger's hair and beaming. "You are so cute," he said.

Jiang Cheng was both flustered and speechless. But also so so happy. He reached out and wrapped his arms around Lan Xichen's neck and shut his eyes. He gave him a peck on the nose.


"I'm so happy you like me back." Jiang Cheng mumbled, wanting to rub his face against Lan Xichen's neck (which will remind Lan Xichen of his uncle's third cat).

"No, I'm the one happy." Lan Xichen corrected. "And relieved actually." He smiled.

Jiang Cheng looked up at him, confused. Relieved? Was Lan Xichen scared that he liked someone else?

"Wanyin..." Lan Xichen sighed melodramatically, "Why would you put someone you didn't like romantically as a future husband in your contacts? I thought you liked Huaisang!"

Jiang Cheng blinked. Once, twice.


"You got me so so confused, and heartbroken," Lan Xichen complained. His arms dropped around Jiang Cheng's waist and the man actually pouted. "How are you going to take responsibility?"

"Wait- no- but that's because I use to think you liked Meng Yao!" Jiang Cheng protested.

Lan Xichen looked mightily confused. "A-Yao? Where is he coming from? How does that connect to your contact list?"

"Well- uh- it's a long story... But uh- did you not see the disappointed emoji I added after Huaisang's contact?" Jiang Cheng asked hopefully.

Lan Xichen looked at him, confused. "No... my god, Wanyin, you also added an emoji- for what?"

"To prove myself! I don't like Huaisang- it's a stupid joke we made- why would I- here, I can show you-" Jiang Cheng fumbled around, trying to find his phone in his shorts when Lan Xichen chuckled and hugged him tighter- "Forget it, Wanyin. I rather know what you saved me as." 

Lan Xichen pulled away and looked at Jiang Cheng expectantly like an eager puppy. "So, what was I saved as?"

Jiang Cheng stared at him like a deer caught in highlights or a housecat caught by the flashlight of a cell phone. His mouth moved but no words came out.


Lan Xichen tilted his head, waiting.





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