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My alarm goes off. I groan before sitting up in bed. I take a short walk to my bathroom. I take a shower, brush my teeth, and style my knotless braids into a swoop bun, styled with some cute bobby pins. Back in my room, I put on the outfit I laid out the night before. It was a tight yellow floral off the shoulder dress, black nike socks, and white air forces. "Myasia, hurry up! I wanna take your first day of school pictures!" My mom yelled from the kitchen. "Okay!" I replied getting my backpack and putting on lipgloss. My mom has me standing on the house stairs. "Smile!" She exclaims. I try my best to crack a smile but I can feel myself melting in the sun. My mom looks disappointed at my pictures but quickly shrugs it off.

She gives me a tight hug before I head to school. "I'll drop you off, it's too hot to walk." I thank her and get in the car. A lot of people were walking into the school when we got there. I can't believe this is my last year in high school. The time flew right by. My mom nudges me, signaling me to go into the school. "Bye, Mami!" I get out the car and wave to her. "Have a good day, Asia!" She says driving away. I fix my dress then make my way into the building. I see my friends in the hall so we talk all the way to class. It sucks we didn't have first block together but I would see them later. There's no seats open except one next to..Miles.

Of course it had to be him, just my luck.

I take the seat and put my backpack by feet. I could feel his eyes on me. I look over at him "What?" I ask him, pretty bold of him to be staring; considering last time we actually talked was like 5 years ago. He didn't react to my words. "Miles?" I call his name. "My bad, ma. I zoned out." His voice got deeper from the last time I heard it. "Oh. Never mind then." I mumble. The way he said ma got me rethinking my entire existence. Finally, class is over I get my backpack and Miles gets his stuff. I go to second block and guess who's there too. Miles. I sigh, sitting down in the back of the class. On my left is a empty seat where surprise, surprise, Miles chooses to sit. There was so many places he could've sat. Why next to me?.. "So.." I try to start a conversation with him. He looks surprised at my attempt. "What's your favorite color?" I didn't know what else say. "Purple."

I feel a familiar feeling in my stomach but I choose to ignore it.

"What bout you?" He responds, his amber eyes piercing my soul. Not that I'm complaining. "I like purple too." I answer his question. "that's cool I guess." he says, his expression reverting to the neutral one he had. The feeling my stomach strengthens.
"can I see your phone?" He turns back to me. I raise an eyebrow before handing it to him. He types something on it before handing it back to me. I look at the new contact on my phone that says "miles." which is very on brand for him. Our teacher lets  us leave for lunch. At the cafeteria, me and my friends talk about our days so far while eating. "Ugh, Mr. Dylan is getting on my nerves." my friend Kiersten complained, stabbing her salad with a spork. "Have y'all seen Ethan? I think he had a glow down over the summer." My other friend Serena mentions. We all laughed at her comment. "Do y'all like anyone yet?" I ask them.

"Yeah, a dreadhead in my class, we're getting married tomorrow he don't know yet."  Serena says in a joking tone. "Lowkey"
Kiersten paused, looking around before she finishes her sentence. "I want miles to blow my back out.." she whispers. After she says that I feel a weight on my chest. "Girl, what?" Serena and I say in unison. "Hear me out, please!" Kiersten defends herself.
Me and Serena share a look. "Take a good look at him and tell me you wouldn't." Serena and I turn our heads towards Miles' table. He's wearing a purple and green hoodie, baggy black cargos, a studded belt and green jordans. He's talking to one of his friends, a slight smile is on his face, revealing the dimples I forgot he had. My stomach is fluttering at the sight. His eyes make contact with mine. I smile then turn my head back.

"I'm listening, KiKi." Serena smiles like an idiot.

Some hours pass and school is over. The bell the rings, in the hallway I'm about to walk out before someone pulls me aside into a empty classroom. "Are we still friends?"

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