The Best Story About Neil Patrick Harris That You Will Ever Read........

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This is an entirely fictional account. None of these events ever actually happened. This is the result of a very bored class full of high school girls.

So here is the most beautiful story you will ever read in French:

Billy Joe habite á Paris. Il est né en Arkansas. Il est né dans une ferme avec des cochons. Les cochons sentaient fort. Billy Joe sentait fort aussi! Un jour, Il a rencontre Barbara Jean. Ils tombent amoureux.

Un jour Billy Jo a mangé trop de hamburgers et il y a un probleme: Il a une crise cardiaque. Barbara Jean était très triste. Alors, elle decide de se remarier avec Neill Patrick Harris, un beau mec acteur. Ils font des enfants parce que Barbara Jean est tombée enceinte. Les enfants s'appellent Puja et Punjabi. Pourquoi est-ce leurs noms sont indiens? Parce que Barbara Jean et Neil Patrick Harris sont allés en Inde pour sa lune de meil. Pendant la lune de miel elle a eu une relation amoureuse avec un dentiste. Quand Neil Patrick Harris découvre la relation il devient homosexuel. Barbara Jean, malheureusement, est écrasé par un train. Ensuite, ses enfants deviennent des sirènes. Neil Patrick Harris, heureux, décide de devenir une sirène lui-même. Il va à une cérémonie et il paie une fortune. Il tombe amoureux avec David Burtka (Il était une sirène aussi) alors ils peuvent être de bons parents, et ils vécurent heureux jusqu'à la fin des temps.

Here is Essentially what it says:

Billy Joe lives in Paris. He was born on a farm in Arkansas with some pigs. The pigs stank. Billy Joe stank also! One day, he met Barbara Jean. They fell in love.

One Day Billy Joe ate too many  hamburgers and so he had a problem: He had a heart attack. Barbara was very sad. So, she decided to re-marry...with Neil Patrick Harris, a handsome actor. THey made children  and Barbara Jean got pregnant. Their kids were named Puja and Punjabi. Why are their names Indian? Because Jean and Neil Patrick Harris went to India for their honeymoon. During their honeymoon, Barbara had a romantic relationship with a dentist. When Neil Patrick Harris  found out, he became gay. Barbara Jean, unfortunately, was crushed by a train. Then, their children became mermaids. Neil Patrick Harris, fortunately, decided he wanted to be a mermaid as well. So he paid a lot of money to have a grand ceremony to turn him into a mermaid. Then he fell in love with David Burtka ( he was also a mermaid) so they would be good parents.And they lived Happily ever after.

And here is Google translate's version, just for your enjoyment:

Billy Joe lives á Paris. He was born in Arkansas. He was born on a farm with pigs. Pigs felt strong. Billy Joe felt strong too! One day, he met Barbara Jean. They fall in love

One day Billy Jo ate too many hamburgers and there is a problem: He has a heart attack. Barbara Jean was very sad. So she decided to remarry Neill Patrick Harris, a hunk actor. They have children because Barbara Jean became pregnant. Children are called Puja and Punjabi. Why are Indian names? Because Barbara Jean and Neil Patrick Harris went to India for its moon Meil. During the honeymoon she had a relationship with a dentist. When Neil Patrick Harris discovers the relationship becomes homosexual. Barbara Jean, unfortunately, is crushed by a train. Then his children become sirens. Neil Patrick Harris, pleased, decides to become a mermaid itself. He goes to a ceremony and it pays a fortune. He falls in love with David Burtka (He was also a siren) so they can be good parents, and they lived happily until the end of time 

And's version too:

Billy Joe lives á in bets. He was born in Arkansas. He was born in a farm with pigs. Pigs smelt strong. Billy Joe smelt very also! One day, He(It) met Barbara Jean. They fall in love. One day Billy Jo ate too much hamburgers and there is a problem: he(it) has a heart attack. Barbara Jean was very sad. Then, she(it) decide to remarry with Neill Patrick Harris, a beautiful guy actor. They make children because Barbara Jean fell pregnant. The children are called Puja and Punjabi. Why is it their names are Indian? Because Barbara Jean and Neil Patrick Harris went in India for its moon of me he(it). During the honeymoon she(it) had a love relation with a dentist. When Neil Patrick Harris discovers the relation he becomes a homosexual.Barbara Jean, unfortunately, is crushed by a train. Then, his(her) children become sirens. Neil Patrick Harris, happy, decides to become a siren himself. He(it) goes to a ceremony and he(it) pays a fortune. He(it) falls in love with David Burtka (It was a siren also) then they can be good parents(relatives), and they lived happy up to the end of time.

The Best Story About Neil Patrick Harris That You Will Ever Read........Where stories live. Discover now