The Appointed Knights

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It has been several hours since Jamal and the Rookie knight had their fight in the arena and judging from the proctor that told them that they were to report to Hyrule Castle, it could mean a good thing for them or maybe a bad thing for himself. He honestly didn't want to be banished or known as a bad guy for all of Hyrule. If that were to happen then he wouldn't know what to do in life. For now he just hoped and prayed that it was nothing bad. It was a very stary night for him as he would look at the sky from his window of his room and sighed softly.

"Mother....please watch over me...protect me and guide me as you always have." He said softly before he goes to his sleeping chambers and let his eyes get heavy and he closed them to sleep. The next day happened and Jamal was wide awake early in the morning and would leave his chambers without anyone seeing him. He quickly got dressed in his Gerudo attire with some Hyrulian Armor on top so he would at least look halfway decent and that he is part of the Knights of Hyrule.

At Hyrule Castle

It was some time before Jamal and the Rookie would actually make it to the Castle hopefully they would make it after Zelda and her father, the King were done with their argument. It seems Zelda was upset because her father and the other knights were treating one of the knights harshly just because of who he resembles.
"Father!" Zelda said "they have done nothing to us and neither has he. I may not like his presence but that does not give a reason to insult people"
"That's why you're too young. You'll never be able to rule Hyrule if you're gonna be this weak." Her father said which made her really upset.
"Father what is wrong with you? How could you say that about someone. A knight above all else someone who gives their lives to protect us and our home. You must apologize" Zelda said in a slight demanding voice wanting her dad to be a better King and apologize.

"Clearly you forgotten what happened years upon years ago." Her father said.
"Before the Guardians were even a thing, Hyrule was in peril thanks to a dark villain that once hailed from Gerudo." He said. Apparently the events after Ocarina of Time has ran some deep wounds inside Hyrule "Why else do you think the Males there a treated right?" He asked. It was then a Knight came in the throne room to report.

"Your majesty, The two Knights you requested are here." He said and the King fixed his beard a bit.
"Good. Bring them here." He said and the knight saluted before going back out to get the two.
"We will continue this some other time." He said before he sat up and she had no other choice but to comply for now.

Outside the Castle

Jamal and the Rookie were waiting for the "OK" to go inside the Castle. So it was just them chatting. Or more so Jamal chatting and the Rookie nodding and grunting for responses.
"Do you...Do you even talk?" Jamal asked the Rookie as he looked at him with a slight stink eye.
"Okay okay, be that way." He said giving up on that topic.
"So any idea why both of us are summoned?" He asked him and the Rookie just shrugged his shoulders. It was then the Guard came out to get them.

"The King will now see you." He said before he led them to the throne room which was pretty big for the most part. When they were told to stop, they looked up to see the King and Zelda which Jamal recognized from yesterday when she was watching his fight.
"Kneel before his Majesty, King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule." The Guard said before Jamal and the Rookie kneeled down to show respect. The King simply scoffed at them but it was mainly for Jamal.
"On your feet. Today is a day of celebration for you two." He said with a forced cheery smile; Even Jamal could tell he was being fake at the moment he said those words. But he played alongside with whatever the King wanted to do.

"You two are going to be my Daughter's Appointed Knights." He said which made the both of the boys look at each other before looking back at the King and Zelda. The Princess then stood up to go towards the knights and greet them. She then had her hands out for them to take and shake.
"It's nice to meet you two. And I must say, I watched the two of you fight yesterday. And I was amazed by the speed, the power, and the intelligence I saw in that fight." She said looking at them but most of her gaze was on the taller Male Gerudo.

"Zelda." Rhoam said simply before Zelda nodded.
"I will be out exploring and father has made you two my appointed knights. I expect the both of you to be at the gate of Hyrule in 2 hours or less." She said before letting go of their hands.

"Do not make me regret my decision." The King said and the two nodded and were dismissed. Once they were gone, the King cursed himself before speaking out loud to himself not knowing if anyone heard him.
"Especially you...Gerudo boy. One slip up, one scratch on my daughter and you will be banished." He said.


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