Holy fuck

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(A/n: ew 💀)
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•**•**•**•**•**•**•**•**•**•**•**•**•**•**•*(It's the 1980s in this story btw)3rd person POV:

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(It's the 1980s in this story btw)
3rd person POV:

"Hello?" Blair asked she was at chuckys house 'how did I get here?' She asked hers self soon chucky came into view Blair was scared out of her mind..

"Well here again Blair" Chucky smiled at her

"OH MY GOD!" She screamed as she felt a sharp pain on her left leg she looked down and saw a pocket knife in her skin she began crying and tried running away she then saw..
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Blair sat up breathing hard it felt like it was real

"Hey are you okay?" Junior asked they were still in class she must've fallen asleep due to the teachers calm voice and teaching about space

"Uhm y-yeah It was just a dream no need to worry" she smiled at him

"Are you sure?" He asked again

"Yeah! Totally!" She nodded her head

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The class soon ended and all the students walked out

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