Chapter 2

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Just before the sun could peak beyond the shiny buildings of Seoul, Yun-Jin awoke from her deep sleep. Laying in her queen-sized bed, adorned with plush pillows and fluffy blankets, she arose from the bed.

Stretching her arms above her head, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she glanced at the clock besides her bed. 4:24 am. Only four hours of sleep. She shook her head and flung her legs over the side of the bed and rose. 

She grabbed her robe by the door and entered the bathroom. 

Yun-Jin Lee. Resilient and ambitious. Growing up was extremely difficult for her. Her parents were in debt and this caused her to lose almost everything she had. Living in a small two-bedroom, windowless basement, constantly cold and hungry. Her parents were always working to pay off their debt which left her to care for her younger sister. Singing her to sleep every night, feeding her and keeping her safe. 

Years later, the well-known company Mightee One came to her high school and opened auditions for Idol trainees. She saw an opportunity to achieve her dreams. But she was rejected as an idol trainee. She was able to obtain an unpaid internship at the studio and would spend years creating some of the company's greatest hits without recognition. 

She grew fed up with it and decided to get her dues. She began wearing flamboyant fashion in public and began putting soundbites into her music which looped her chosen artist's name, "Magnum Opus." People began to recognize her and her music. She was then made into a producer for the group No Spin. No Spin was a poorly performing group that was in desperate need of a change.

So she held out talent auditions until she discovered Ji-Woon Hak. His raw edgy sound was the perfect element to make the group stand out. So, the group was then re-launched with Ji-Woon as the newest member and Yun-Jin as their producer. Within hours their music video had gone viral. With the success of No Spin, Yun-Jin became known as a shrewd producer and pretty soon she was dining with socialites in her Seoul penthouse. 

Her childhood seemed but a distant bad memory.

But with the fame of the new group, came higher expectations. The success of the first album had set the bar high for the next. Yun-Jin would spend hours with the group recording for the second album. Waking up early in the morning, heading to the studio with the group members and recording.

Until, that faithful day. Yun-Jin had stepped out to get another cup of coffee when the fire alarms went off. Fearing for her safety she evacuated the blazing building. But once she was safe on the street, she realized that none of No Spin was out there. The flames roared and engulfed the entire building which was being steadily controlled by the fire hoses. 

To her horror, she found that all members of No Spin had perished in the fire, except one: Ji-Woon. He had tried to rescue his bandmates but was unsuccessful. She held Ji-Woon has he cried like a child. Her mind was racing. With the death of the No Spin members, the album would be ruined, her career would be over, and Ji-Woon would rot away as an instructor for trainees. 

But, as she stared at the ruins of the studio, the cleanup crew removing the bodies of the perished members and staff, she refused to fall victim and would not lose everything she worked hard for. Without giving knowledge to Mightee One, she created a new track to re-launch Ji-Woon's career. She pushed him over and over to tap into his grief and create a song which told of sudden loss and saying goodbye to his bandmates.

She then crafted his new identity: The Trickster, heavily inspired by the legendary dokkaebi spirits. Embodying both fear and awe. The music video would show Ji-Woon saying goodbye to his bandmates and within minutes it was a global phenomenon. The universal theme of grief and guilt resonating internationally. Yun-Jin and Ji-Woon would tour the world where success greeted them on every shore. 

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