A new beginning

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Dron: How dare you sutputra. You do not have the right to learn about warfare and yet you came to learn from me.I have taken an oath to make arjun the greatest archer of the world.
Yuddhistra: Mahoday,according to the shastras you are not allowed to learn warfare.
Bheem: Did you hear it you sut, leave before this kuntiputra decides to kill  you  with his hand.
Karn:O respected gurudev and princes, when  the great mahadev does not discriminate between anyone then no one has the right to discriminate against his creations. I Radhey karn swear in the name of lord surya and shivshakti that I will surely become the greatest archer in this yug rivalling even your dear arjun.
Bheem:You dare to talk against our guru being a mere sut. Here take this.
Author's pov
Saying those words, Bheem threw his gadha straight at karn.Everyone present there  was laughing at karn. But suddenly shocking everyone a kavach with the sun symbol appeared on karn and destroyed the gadha.At that very moment the entire sky turned red and the sun was burning at a great rate. When everyone was looking at karn he was radiating a divine brilliance.
Karn: Everyone present here remember my words I will return soon and the day I return will be the day that all of your arrogance ends.
After saying those words he left and the surroundings turned normal.Everyone returned back to what they were doing but nobody saw a woman hiding near there who had seen everything and was crying.She was angry at what happened and was ashamed at the pandavas,kauravas and guru dron.
She was none other than rajmata kunti the kul vadhu of hastinapur
Kunti: what has happened here. My very children are doing such an adharm and guru dron did nothing to stop it. My children mocked and humiliated their own elder brother. I will have to help karn get what he wanted for only he can show the entire world the true essence of dharma.
Author's pov:
After saying those words kunti left to find karn. She soon found karn crying near the ganga river. Seeing karn crying itself broke kunti's heart.
Kunti:putr why are you crying?
Karn: pranipat devi, who are you?
Kunti:pranipat putr. it doesnt matter  who I am . tell me why are you crying.
Karn:devi,it was my dream to learn archery but no one accepted to teach me archery because I am a sut.
Kunti: Don't worry putr karn I will help you. This is the word of raja mata kunti
Karn:That means you are the mother of pandavas,but how can you help me?
Kunti:Yes putr iam the pandavas mother.I received them as with the help of a boon of durvasa.As for helping you,I can tell you about a guru who will surely train you.
Karn:Thank you rajmata.But who will train me?
Kunti:Pls putr call me mata. The one who can train you is none other than bhagwan parshuram who live in mahendragiri hills.Once you meet him tell him to use his divine sight to know about you and iam sure that he will train you.
Karn:Thank you mata.Bless me
Kunti:I bless you putr,there will be no one who can defeat you in this yug.Even Mahadev will not be able to defeat you.You will be the only greatest,undefeatable,strongest,and the most mightiest warrior of this yug.
Karna(emotionally):Thank you mata.I will surely make you proud.But why are you helping me?
Kunti:When time comes you will know and at that time forgive me if you can.
Karn:What do you mean mata?
Kunti:You will know putr. Even I was hurt because of the society and I was helpless and that is why iam helping you because that is what I should do.Go putr,fulfill your dream and come.
At that time in vrindavan a cowherd was smiling while eating butter
Krishna:wow bua,you have changed the course of the entire aryavart.Now righteousness  has got its strongest ally,kunti nandan suryaputra radhey karn. The undefeatable ,unconquerable emperor of aryavart.There will be no one who can defeat him now as even mahadev cannot defeat him due to your blessing.
यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत।
अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम् ॥४-७॥

परित्राणाय साधूनां विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम् ।
धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय सम्भवामि युगे युगे ॥४-८॥

Karn the story of an unbeatable  warriorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon