Chapter 1

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The popular, outgoing, beautiful inside and outside girl. Meets a popular loner. Y/n is a beautiful black girl, she is curvy, her lips are plump. What most would describe as perfect. Few know her personally. At heart she is smart, loves reading, and learning new things. She notices the quiet, well-dressed boy sitting next to her. Reading a book about the ocean. One of her favorite things. She finds herself glancing at him sometimes while her professor teaches. Armin on the other hand, has always noticed her. He finds her perfect in every way, he is surprised at how smart she is. He notices how you always raise your hand for most of the questions that your professor asks, even though phycology was hard.  You glance at him intrigued about the book he is reading. You then tap him on the shoulder wanting to ask him about the book he's reading. As you tap him on the shoulder, he turns to you and looks at you.

"What are you reading?"

Shocked that you talked to him, noticed him even. 

 "A book about the ocean...."

 You smile at his shy response.

"You like the ocean?" You ask him.

 He nods shyly and responds.

"The ocean is full of endless mysteries and wonders; I have this curiosity about the ocean it has a lot of undiscovered and unique creatures that could be a huge discovery for humanity. It's a fascinating topic. The ocean is so vast though. We will never know everything about the ocean but that's what makes it even more interesting isn't it?"

You turn towards him completely in shock, ignoring the lesson your professor was currently teaching. You have never met anyone that liked the ocean as much as you did, or maybe even more. Most people just found your love for the ocean weird, so you just stopped talking to people about it. You scoot closer to him. 

 "It is. I love how the ocean is so mysterious and clear, and most of the animals that live in it."

 His eyes light up at your response. 

"Really? You like the ocean to?" He says with excitement.

"I love the ocean. I jus stopped talking about it because people thought I was weird. Well...Not completely tho. I just avoid talking about it in depth, which is hard, but I still manage. I fw you Armin, I think we should talk more.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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