𝟎𝟏𝟔 - help me to forget

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aug 4, 2022 7:59 a

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aug 4, 2022
7:59 a.m.

Matt stares at the hotel ceiling once again, heaving a sigh. Normally, he'd be up and on his way to Déjà Brew right now, but ever since the run in with Delilah the other day, he's been avoiding the place.

Matt turns on his side and orders some Starbucks on DoorDash to the hotel, and then hesitantly opens his messages.

Delilah hasn't texted him yet, and for the past two days, there's been a constant war of should I text her/ should I not text her going on in his head.

Delilah is really sweet, from what Matt's seen so far, and admittedly, really pretty. Hanging out with her would most likely get his mind off of Aphrodite.

Fuck it, he thinks as he opens a new message and types in the ridiculous contact name Delilah had put in for herself that he never bothered to change.

unknown number
Would u wanna hang out today?

Cute girl from deja brew ;)
Who's this?

unknown number
Oh shit sorry
It's Matt, from
the other day

Cute girl from deja brew ;)
I know, I'm just teasing lol.
And I'd love to hang out, what
time? My shift ends at 2 today

Matt ❤️
I could meet you right after your shift?

Cute girl from deja brew ;)
Sure:) see you then Matt

Matt's stomach turns with guilt as he places his phone down on the nightstand beside him and turns the other way.

aug 14, 2022
8:52 p.m.

It had been ten days since Matt and Delilah had first hung out, and ever since, they'd spent almost every minute together.

That first night, Matt had picked Delilah up right after her shift. They had gone to Target (Delilah's idea, which made Matt feel something he definitely didn't want to feel about this girl yet) and Starbucks (since Delilah had grown tired of Déjà Brew's coffee). A spontaneous trip to the drive ins had followed after Target.

It was a pretty perfect first date, if you could even call it that.

Matt wouldn't have called it that back then, but now, maybe he would.

Delilah's nice enough. Pretty. Funny. Sweet. He likes her.

Or at least that's what he tells himself every time before they hang out.

Now, they're all hanging out at the triplets Airbnb that they had decided to stay in a few days ago, since they had grown tired of the hotel.

Matt finally felt comfortable enough bringing Delilah around Chris and Nick, so last night they all went out to a movie.

Matt could tell that his brothers felt a little weird about it, but they were nice to her nonetheless, and didn't even pick a fight earlier when he told them he was thinking of inviting her to the Airbnb.

So now, they all sat around the small but cozy apartment: Nick and Chris scrolling through their phones on the couch while Matt and Delilah sat at the kitchen island, talking about who knows what.

Nick's phone rings suddenly, and Matt's stomach dives. Aphrodite has been FaceTiming Nick a lot recently. He has no clue why, but every time without fail, he finds himself hiding away from the camera of Nick's phone, too scared to say anything.

Matt looks over to Nick, staring at him with wide eyes, and Nick simply nods and stands from the couch.


Aphrodite lays in bed, as she has been all day. She hasn't really done anything since Matt left. Since they broke up, really. Her dads have to fight her to get her out of bed some days, but at this point they've given up.

She checks the time, bored. Almost nine.

She's been FaceTiming Nick a lot lately. Her, Nick, and Chris still talk pretty often, remaining best friends even though their brother decided to shatter her heart. It wasn't even that awkward between the three.

The girl sighs and hits the FaceTime icon, giving in. She has nothing better to do, and Nick usually knows how to cheer her up.

Nick picks up after about fifteen seconds, mumbling something about "giving him a sec".

Before he can say anything else, she catches the voice of another girl, saying something she can't quite make out, but sounds like, "Who are you talking to, Nick?" in a singsong voice. Aphrodite then catches a glimpse of long, red, wavy hair.

Nick scrambles into the other room, and Aphrodite panics.

"Who was that?" she asks, voice shaky when Nick settles into the other room.

"No one, just... one of our new friends we made here," Nick replies, his voice a bit too high. Shit, he's bad at lying.

"Who is it really?"

"Okay, so don't freak out, but..." Nick begins, but before he can say anything else, Aphrodite ends the call.

She's not stupid.

She knows exactly what's going on.

And if Matt wants to play that game, so will she.

𝓸𝓬𝓮𝓪𝓷 𝓮𝔂𝓮𝓼; m. sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now