Hope scoffed. "I don't do that."


Hope did, in fact, hog the blanket.

When the Elara awoke for the first time that morning, the sun beamed through their window, the gentle rays streaking through the gaps in the curtains. She blinked away her sleepiness, turning her head to the side, and her eyes landed on her sleeping... something.

Life was complicated; Elara knew that. Ever since Felix died, everything became a never-ending series of supernatural events. The supernatural wasn't even what it was meant to be. Hell, she wasn't either, but in that moment, none of it mattered.

Why would she listen to her mind when her heart grew more powerful with each passing moment?

It was early, early enough that most of the remaining students wouldn't be wandering the halls yet. Plus, it was the last day of spring break. A majority of the students were going to take advantage of it.

Including Elara.

She managed to get ready for the day quickly. Showering, getting dressed, grabbing anything that would've been useful for tracking down any leads. Her researching began in the library.

"I told you, Hope," Elara stated, closing the book she'd been flipping through. "I've already read every book in this library that talks about werewolves. Twice. I'm not going to find anything new in here."

The tri-brid had joined her for the day, insisting that she was going to keep her word and help Elara figure everything out. 

From around the shelves, Elara heard her ask, "what about the book that mentioned the start of the Laurent line?"

"Dead end. How they appeared wasn't explained, but it was just made clear that they weren't part of the original lines. Plus, I looked through what little information the school does have on the original lines and found no mentions of Laurents within them. There wasn't any mingling with the other wolves." Under her breath, she muttered, "which at least means we aren't related."

Hope poked her head around the bookshelf. "What was that?"

"Nothing," Elara answered, and Hope leaned out of view.

"Summarize for me what we know so far."

Elara moved towards the aisle, book in hand. When she turned the corner, she saw Hope trying to return a book to its place on a high shelf, but Hope couldn't reach. The sight was kind of adorable.

"We know that-- apparently-- the Laurents are apparently incredibly similar to the Mikaelsons in the sense that they are not known for their..." Elara stopped behind Hope, gently taking the book from her hand and placing it where she had intended to. "...friendliness."

"That's putting it lightly," Hope muttered, turning towards Elara. They were close-- hardly a foot apart, and her eyes flickered to Elara's lips.

The blond noticed, but she didn't comment on it.

She shifted away from Hope, returning her own book to its proper shelf. "Either way, that kinda reputation doesn't just come from a few misdeeds, and from the way my briefly resurrected father described it, I'm heading towards a path of carnage."

"We don't know that. A reputation doesn't always display a person's true character."

"We don't not know that." Elara looked at Hope, and the shorter girl locked eyes with her, a determined glint in her eyes. "So far, all I've gotten is that Dr. Saltzman believes I'm going to become some kind of beast, and that Cedric had a rampage of his own, which is another thing I don't understand."

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