Their Story Part 2

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Once they were inside the Jingshi. ChengQing wrap his arms around his alpha and cried. He don't know why he is crying all he knows is that his alpha is hurting and in pain. He wish there is something he could do. Wanji arms wraps around him and hold him close. Telling him that it is fine. That everything will be fine once his uncle gets to know him. See how good of a person he is. 'But is it ever that easy. Some people clings to their believes. Believes in their own who's right and who's wrong and they will find out. That not everyone is willing to change to except'.If there's one thing that ChengQing had learn over the years as a rogue cultivator is that people like Wangji's uncle. Is that they would never let go. They will never change. They will do what they think is right and what's for the best. They won't care if they hurt those closes to them. They are ruthless in their own truth. In their own believes. He and Wanji needs to be stronger. They needs to be careful especially him. They are fated that's what his uncle does not know if the bond is broken by force they both will perish. He would rather die with his alpha then live without him. Unbeknownst to ChengQing, Wanji was having the same thoughts. They break away looking into each other's eyes swimming with tears. " I am sorry ChengQing. I never should have brought you back here. I did not know my uncle would react so strongly. We can leave now if you want to". Wanji said to him. " No Wanji this is your home I can not expect you to leave and that for my sake. He will even hate me more if we do this. I will behave myself not to bring more grieve to you. But what will we do. He already promise you to someone else. What if he force us to break the bond you know what will happen right ". ChengQing told him.
" If you want to stay then we will. But the moment you feel uneasy or anything we are leaving. I do not care. I did not asked him to find me someone. He's doing what he has been doing all these years. Controlling my life and deciding what is best for me. He never knew me. I know and I will be happy to die with you my love".Wanji answered him. ChengQing blush at Wangji's last words. " Ah Wanji warn me before you say something like that. My poor heart won't be able to take it". ChengQing said while covering his face with his hands. " Will warn you next time". Wanji said with a smile on his face as he pry ChengQing hands away from his face. He kissed him soft on his lips and then on his scent gland right where his bite mark is which send a shiver down ChengQing body.

Wangji's uncle was furious after wanji and his mate had left. He stood up and made his way to the forbidden section of the pavilion library. He needs to find out how to break this bond if his nephew isn't going to do it willingly then he have to do it. He reached the place and it took him half the day to find what he was looking for. With a satisfied smile on his face he went back to the Lanshi. On his way he send one of the disciples to go call one of the seniors who went with Wanji on the nighthunt. When he reached his residence he went inside put the scroll to one side and wait for the disciple to arrive. He will not let his nephew throw his future away for a rogue cultivator with no morals and values. He do not know what did Wanji possessed to do something so unhonorable like bonding with someone like that. There was a knock on the door and he called the disciple inside. Once inside and the door close he asked him about what happened during the nighthunt. The disciple told him everything that had happened and how the young master had saved them at the last minute. He told him about the flute and eery tune and how the resentful energy dissapated. When he was done the uncle thanked him and the disciples left. Not knowing that he unknowingly gave this man vital information. Once the disciple was gone he opened the scroll and read through it numerous times. He wants this mating bond to be break without harming his nephew. Satisfied he call for an emergency meeting with the elders.

Wanji and ChengQing had no idea what was going on at the moment. They are entangled in each other after enjoying a rapid three rounds of comforting each other. Laying together and enjoying the aftermath. They soon fell asleep in each other's arms. Dreaming of a future together. Having their own little pups and their own little family. Traveling the world together helping the common people. ChengQing did do one thing even though he thought Wanji did not see or know. He put up a protective barrier around the Jingshi with a alarm so that they could here when someone comes. Ghost are swirling around. Nobody can see them. You can only see them if they wants you to see them. If anything should happen they will inform their master. So the two slept in peace for the rest of the afternoon. Wanji had never done something like this before and frankly he does not care. He got his mate and he and his alpha are very happy.

His uncle walked into the hall and looked around seeing that everybody is here he started the meeting. " I called this emergency meeting to inform you all that Wanji had bonded with a rogue cultivator and said cultivator dabble in resentful energy". Chaos broke out amongst the elders. They were appalled and angry. " What are we going to do. He is already promised to another. One from a prominent sect". One elder asked. " Do not worry I went to the forbidden section of the pavilion library and I found an ancient scroll on how to break the mating bond without harming Wanji". His uncle answered.
"What does it entails?". Another elder asked. " Well we need to take Wanji to the cold cave. That's the only place safe and secure enough to do the ritual. It said that all we have to do is to be off one mind. The alpha in question must be willing to break the bond. The alpha also must give his permission which Wanji will never give because he believes that he is inlove with this boy. So I will stand in for him as his only blood relative. I'm as close to father to him. He have thought it best to give him a sleeping herb so not to feel the pain when the bond is broken. Last thing it must happen on a full moon. After that we can go ahead with the wedding and Wanji would be free from that boy".
He told them. " When is the next full moon". Another elder asked. " Well it is in the next four weeks". The uncle answered. A woman elder stood up and asked. " What if they are fated mates. You haven't even give the boy a change. Do not judge people behind their backs. Do not break faith and abandon what is right. Do not make assumptions about others. Do not take advantage of your position or connections to oppress others. And last but not least. Be loyal and filial". She said to the room but more so for Wangji's uncle. " I will not be apart of this. I will not break apart that faith has brought together. You have never once asked Wangji's opinion on this union you have arranged for him". She said to the uncle. Everybody looks at her as if she had offended them.
" And all of you. Why don't you put so much effort into finding mates for your own children. All of you are so interested in the young masters life. He finally found someone who makes him happy I presume otherwise he would have never gave him his mating bite. That boy had done everything we asked of him over the years and not once did he complain and now that he had found his fated mate you want to rip it away from him. You should be ashamed of yourself. I feel sorry for you that your lives are so lonely and boring that you have to meddle in the young masters love life. Me personally can not wait to meet the omega who melt our young masters heart ". With that said she left the hall. Everyone was silent after she had left. Until the uncle opened his mouth and said." I will not let my nephew stay bonded to that demon. I will not let he throw his life away like that. We will be doing the bond breaking by the next full moon. Wanji will be married and bonded to the one deserving of him. One with status. I will send a letter to her father to send her here so that she and Wanji could get to know each other. That will make help breaking the bond easier if his mind is occupied with thoughts of his bethrothal". He said and left. Shortly all the elders left. One naughty ghost found her way into the meeting hall it was really not her fault she was just floating by minding her own ghostly business. It's not her fault that the halls are thin and she could practically see and hear everything. Not her fault at all so no can blame her or judge her for minding her business.

All I Care About Is You Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ