Chapter 2: The first day at the Lake house

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As soon as I got my seat belt undone, Greg was standing on my side of the car with my door open smiling. I climbed out, thanked him and went around the back of the car to get my bags, only to come to an abrupt stop when he put his hand out in front of me. "We're all going on a tour of the house first" he explained calmly.

"Oh-" I was stopped by yelling over at the at the verandah.


We walked over to everyone, Mr Feder threw a dead moth up and said "see? It's stilling sleeping."

"It's dead dad" Greg said, earning a pinch from Mrs Feder, I giggled softly and he looked at me.

"Ooh a porch swing" Mrs McKenzie's mother said, pushing Keithie over, "I know what I'm doing this weekend." I held out a hand to Keithie to help him up and looked over to Greg who had an annoyed expression on his face. I walked over to him,

"hopefully there's more than one shower" I looked up at the house, and he laughed "yeah me too, if not they'll probably make us put on our swimmers and go two at time." Finally everyone was moving inside, and Mr Hillard took us on a tour. Mr and Mrs Feder were suggested to take the master bedroom, but Mr Feder told us kids to have it, so all of the fab five moved single beds into the room. Becky made me take the giant double bed with her, it wasn't as big as a queen sized one but it was bigger than a double.

I sat on the bed and pulled out my book and started reading while the boys started playing their video games, but than I got an idea since all of the kids are in the same room so why not.

"Hey all of you!" I yelled across the room, all eyes landed on me "Everyone sit on this bed so I can take a picture." Everyone scrambled to the bed and sat down in three lines from front to back.

Front line: Bean and Becky (sitting cross legged)

Middle line: Donna, Keithie and Charlotte (sitting on their knees)

Back line: Greg, Me and Andre (kneeling)

I set my phone on the bed opposite of us and put a 10 second timer on the camera. I quickly ran over and sat in my spot between Greg and Andre. "Everyone smile for the first one" I said and looked down at Keithie who was making a weird face "Nicely." We all smiled as it struck one second, I got Becky to tap it again and everyone did the silliest face they could master. Greg and Andre put their arms over my shoulders and stuck their tongues out, I did the same but with crossed eyes.

Mr Feder walked in and asked what we were all doing, so we told him then he posed for a picture with all of us. Greg and Keithie went back to playing on their video games and he put both of them over his shoulders, I quickly sent the photos to my grandpa and then got dressed into more comfortable clothes.

Greg's POV

Dad came and got Keithie and I, "NO! My high score!" Keithie had screamed, I rolled my eyes at him. Soon after, Rosita came out unwilling on her dad's shoulder with us and all the dads took us on a walk on the bank of the lake. Dad told us about how Mr Hillard lived in a tree fort for a month because his dad took away his roller skates. We continued walking along the uneven ground until...

"Rope on a tree baby, you know what that means?" dad cried happily.

"We get to hang ourselves?" Charlotte asked, I heard Katie's heart warming laugh and turned around.

"You see a rope and a lake and that doesn't make you want to nuts?"

Mr Lamonsoff decided he would climb to the highest rock and swing off the rope swing, he was about to drop but instead found it too high, so then he hit a tree and obviously fell. Rosita kept flinching and grabbing my arm when ever he hit something else, I smirked down at her and she looked away. Mr Lamonsoff faked a broken bone and she hid her face in my the crook of my neck, I put my over her. 'Thank you Mr Lamonsoff' I thought cheerfully because that is her dad.

"Daddy that birds hurt" Becky said, pointing at something, where he had landed.

"I'll go get a shoe box" dad replied, jogging back up the path.

Rosita slid down the small ledge that was separating the higher bank we were on and the smaller piece of bush in between, "ow!" she said, a long shallow cut ran along the side of her arm. She just ignored it and picked up the distressed bird.

I helped her back up and she put it in the shoebox dad had got up, Everyone started chatting and walking back but I stopped her. "Hey, stop, what about your arm?" I exclaimed, she looked like she was on the verge of tears.

"I'm fine, it just stings" she replied with a shaky voice.


Rosita's POV

After I got my arm fixed up, we all went out for dinner, I sat between Greg and Bean. Bean was in the middle of telling me a story about how he saved Donna from a crew of pirates on their trip to the beach that I was sick for, when Mr Higgins leaned over to Mr Feder and said "I remember how we used to come here after we got wasted."

I groaned loudly, and Greg looked at me, trying to hide his laughter as Mr Feder explained how wasted meant 'a hankering for ice cream.'

"I want to get wasted"

"I want to get wasted every day of my life"

"I want to get chocolate wasted"

It was really funny to hear the poor kids yelling it all out. When the waitress came over, My dad ordered 17 burgers, 17 fries and a chicken sandwich, claiming they were all for him. Mrs McKenzie's mother ordered half the menu and we moved onto drinks. "I'll have Voss water" Greg said, the waitress looked confused, "or Fiji if you don't have that."

"Anything you have is good" Mr Feder said, clearly annoyed.

"We have faucet" the waitress said.

"Like, from a hose?" Greg asked weirdly.

"Greg, you know the water that we wash our hands in and stuff" I asked him, he nodded "tap water, that's tap water. Now shhh."

"What country's that from?" Keithie asked.

"We'll take the water thanks" Mr Feder said to the waitress.

When we were all done eating and drinking, we drove back to the Lake house for bed. I got dressed in my pajamas and got into bed, Bean happened to get a little scared sleeping on his own, so Becky slept with him.

I was still awake after everyone had fallen asleep, I was shaking slightly as I watched the closed door intensely, I had heard a lot of creaks and noises from downstairs. I sometimes had nights like this, when I thought that someone was in the house, looking for people to take. I slowly turned over, trying to make the least amount of noise I could. I got a small shock when I heard Greg's voice"Rosie" it was closer than where he was sleeping.

He came and sat next to me, "Rosie, what's wrong? You're shaking" he said concerned, I turned over to face him.

"Is there someone in the house?" I whispered.

"Yeah, there's all us kids and the adults" he said jokingly.

"You know what I mean"

"There's no one except all of us"

There was an awkward silence.

"Hey, do you mind if I sleep here?" he asked, "Keithie's almost taken up the whole bed."

I giggled quietly, peering over at Keithie "I don't mind" I whispered. He got under the covers and put his arm over me, I fell into a deep, dreamless, sleep.

That was when I decided I had a small crush on Greg Feder.


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