SidLink Ao3 Story Opening.

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-- Set after ToTK main storyline.
Link X Sidon is the main ship however, Yona and Sidon are still engaged at the start.
(Yona supremacy tho <333)

Haven't figured out a name for the fic, however I want it to tie into a story point.

It was quite early in the morn' when the Princess and her swordsman arrived at the domain. Zelda was as chipper and bright as ever, insisting on helping the Zora as they rushed to get the guest suite ready. However her swordsman, Link was a fraction of his normal self, appearing tired, not even jumping at the opportunity to help.
"Perhaps the lack of sleep is finally getting to him?" The Zora King, Sidon muttered, watching as the two Hylians were lead over to the suite. "There's been an increase in Yiga activity again... I wouldn't be surprised if he's helping with that." Sidon stood, a hand covering his mouth, not realising he was speaking his thoughts.
"Darling, Is everything alright?" Yona held onto Sidon's arm to comfort him, while thinking out loud was something he tended to do; she always felt a sense of worry for him. "Hmm? Ah! Yes, apologies my love, I... I'm just worried about Link. He seems... I don't quite know how to explain it."


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