Chapter 2: Grace

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Donald and I were partners during my agency days. We became very close friends but soon drifted apart when I left due to personal reasons unknown to him.

"It's been great, thanks for asking." I say wryly but he continues to stare at me like he's trying to figure me out, like I'm a case he's trying to crack. He knows I'm not telling the truth, after all, I've always been easy to read.

He doesn't bother to question me further which I'm thankful for.

"The Director's office is down the hall to your left. He's expecting you." I nod and head straight down to his office.

I knock on the door and in a matter of seconds, I am in the director's office being greeted.

"Miss Burkley, I'm glad to see you again," he said.

"I could say the same for you too, Mr. Cavani", I replied, shaking his hand as I took a seat in front of him.

"Okay. Let me get to the point. You were invited here to help us with a mission. After the tragic killing of many at the President's inauguration ceremony, we were assigned the case to find the bomber. And with the history you have with us, we wanted you to help us?", the director said expectantly.

"Sir, you know I've taken a step out of this world and I'm not sure if I'm ready to return yet."

"We don't expect you to return fully and work for us. We just hope you will help us crack this case. There's nothing to lose and you even get paid. Please at least consider it."

I nodded saying, "Alright. I'll sleep over it and let you know whatever decision I make." He replied saying, "Just give me a call when you've made your decision".

We shook hands as he led me out of his office.

As I walked out, I sensed a figure beside me. "So, are you planning to accept?"

"I'm considering it, but I'm not sure." I suddenly stop before turning to face Donald.

"And why do you care?"I ask with my brows raised as he continues, "It would just be very nice if we worked together again, you know, as partners."

A light smile appeared on my face before saying, "I'll think about it Don, I need to head out now", and with that I left the building.

I reached out for my buzzing phone in my pocket and realized it was my friend, Monica, calling.

"Hey Monica!"

"Hey G, wanna get a drink?" she asked as I replied "Could really use one."

"Our usual place, 8pm sharp. Don't be late.", she said and ended the call. I tucked my phone into my pocket then walked into a taxi before heading to the cafe for my shift.

After my shift, I spoke to Clyde about the offer I was given. "That's great kiddo.", Clyde says with a smile on his face as I reply shaking my head, "No, it's not Clyde. I've moved on, I'm happy now."

Clyde looks at me and says, "Gracie. I'm not attempting to force you into accepting the offer, I'm just telling you to trust your gut. It would never lie to you. Back when you were at the agency, you were happier. You loved it so much. It was all you could talk about and all I ever wanted for you was to be happy kiddo. If working shifts at some rundown cafe rather than stopping criminals from making the world a dangerous place is what makes you happy, I won't bring it up anymore."

I smile and nod before saying, "I've got to leave now. I'm meeting Monica later. Get a good night's sleep."

A curious expression crossed Monica's face as she asked, "So you're telling me the director wants you back to assist with the country's current crisis.".

Monica was a cop when we met. We worked together on a case when I was still a full-time agent. Now she's the head of a police department in the city.

"Yeah and I don't know if I'm ready for that. I mean I know it's been seven years but with everything that's happened, I don't think I want to work at the agency again," I say before rubbing my temples.

"I get it Grace, but I know you. You've always wanted to help people in whatever way you can. I know you've been through so much over the past few years but I can't be the one to make the decision for you. Only you know when you're ready. But let me tell you something. There is only one person stopping you from reaching greater heights. That person, hun, is you", Monica says.

"My goodness, you sure know how to make me feel better," I say, laughing.

"That's what I'm here for love", she said as she ordered what must have been her fourth drink already. "Come on G, let's have some fun tonight", she says, throwing her hands in the air before pulling me up with her to the dance floor.

I sigh and shake my head amusingly as I watch Monica sway her hips to the music. And soon after, we're dancing with no care in the world.

Suddenly I began to think about what Clyde and Monica had said earlier and at that moment, I came to a conclusion.

I take a deep breath and step out of the club immediately to make a phone call.


"I'll join the agency again but on my terms", I say as Cavani replies saying, "Great, come by at exactly half past seven tomorrow so we can discuss your terms and conditions".

"Alright sir", I say and the line falls silent.

I look at Monica and see that she is lying on the floor. "Christ! Monica let's get you home", I say as I lift her up from the floor and drape her hand over my shoulder.

We then headed into a taxi I had called immediately after my call with the Cavani.

"Are you willing to help the agency on this mission?" Monica asked, slurring her words as I answered, "Yes, I am Mon."

"Ohh, that's amazing G. I knew you would change your mind." Monica says with her head resting on my shoulder.

"Yes I did, all thanks to you."

Within a few minutes we're back at my apartment and I struggle to carry an almost passed out Monica into my bedroom.

I lay her on my bed and plop down beside her. I stare straight up at the ceiling thinking about what happened in the past few days.

I then closed my eyes to fall asleep before I began to doubt my decision to join the agency.

"Oww! Shit!", I say as I remove the torn mittens from my hand then bring my hands to my mouth and blow on them.

"What is going on in this room?" she asks groggily as she steps into the kitchen with her head in her hands.

"Morning! I tried to make breakfast but that didn't turn out too well", I say looking around the kitchen to see pots and pans scattered everywhere.

Monica groans as she sits on the island before saying, "Where's the ibuprofen?"
"The medicine cabinet. I also made you a cup of coffee but I guess it would probably be cold by now", I say with a sheepish smile.

Then she scans me from top to bottom before saying, "Where are you off to?" "Oh yeah, you were so drunk last night. Yesterday, I thought about what you said and decided to opt for it so I called the agency and accepted their offer. That's where I'm headed now."

I grab my bag and my cup of coffee as Monica registers everything I've said to her. She nods and then her eyes widen in realisation. "Shit! Shit! Shit! I've probably missed so many calls. I gotta shower. Bye girl. I'm happy for you!" and with that she heads straight to the bathroom.

"Wait! Monica, you forgot your ....ibuprofen.", I say as I sigh before heading out of the apartment into the taxi. However, imagine my surprise when I see a black Mercedes waiting in front of my apartment building.

Suddenly the door flew open.

"Get in."

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