The Sleepover

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Little Bakugou POV
We were all chilling hanging out in my room playing the Pro's hockey game that Denki got me, it was really fun. We were on teams it was me and Mina and then Kirishima and Denki, they kept getting mad because me and Mina were winning every time so they didn't want to play anymore, these losers anyway when we got off the game my mom came in saying that we had to start laying down for bed so he got us all tucked in but once she was out of the room we started talking again.
"So you guys know we're not actually not going to go to sleep right now right." I say with a smirk on my face
"What are we gonna do then?" Denki asks in response
"What we're going to do is play hide and seek outside." Getting out of my bed I quietly open up my down gesturing them out of the door
"That sounds like a lot of fun, let's do it guys." Mina whisper yell trying not to be to loud
"Alright come on then let's go outside and be quiet though don't wake my parents."
We made our way outside to the driveway where we decided who would be the first seeker. We ended up saying that Kiri should seek first. He gave us a minute to hide. My house was surrounded by woods so there were a lot of places to hide. He started and we all split up. I don't know where Denki and MIna went but I ran in the direction of my fort that I had made not that long ago. It's pretty deep in the woods so I really think Kiri's gonna have a hard time finding me. As I'm running further into the woods I start to hear something I'm running further and further and the noise starts to sound like crying I'm getting closer and closer to my fort and it sounds like the cryings coming from inside as I made my way inside and saw a little boy he was really pale and had what looked to be half red and half white hair he had his head in between his knees he hadn't noticed me yet I didn't want to startle him but I didn't see a way to not scare him so I just decided to ask.
"Are you ok?" I could see he got scared he put his hands up and said
"Please don't hurt me I'm sorry if this place is yours I just needed a place to go." the boy said in a timid voice Peeking through his arms I could see his eyes he had one stone like gray eye and one deep turquoise eye they were actually really pretty I couldn't lie
"What no you're fine I guess but why were you looking for a place to go don't you have a house with ya know your parents?" He's silent so I get the feeling he doesn't want to talk about it
"If you don't want to talk about it that's fine but could you lower your arms I'm not gonna hurt you." He slowly lowers his hands and I see something I never thought I'd see a fresh burn over his left eye( I'm pretty sure he was like 5 when he got his burn but shhhhh) It looked like it hurt pretty bad I didn't want to make him feel bad about it but it's really hard not to react to something like that so I tried to calmly ask if he was ok
"Um it really hurts and I don't know what to do about it."
"Could go back to my house and look up what to do then bring some stuff back if you could stay here, it might take a second if you don't want my friends to come because I'd have to wait for them to fall asleep."
"Um ok I guess I could wait a bit."
"Alright I'll be back in like 20 minutes, maybe they'll probably fall asleep fast." with that I left the fort and booked it back to my house as I got closer I heard faint voices of my friends calling my name I got to the edge of the woods and they ran to me
"Bro, where were you? None of us could find you." Kiri said kinda panicked
"It doesn't matter where I was, I came out because I'm tired and we should go to bed."
"Yeah I'm kinda tired too guys, let 's go to bed." Mina said with droopy eyes we started to head up to my room when we got there I got in my bed they laid on their palets about 10 minutes later I was pretty sure the coast was clear so I got up care to not wake anyone and went to my family's computer in the living room to look up was to do it said to.
*Cool the burn with running lukewarm water for 20 minutes *Don't break the blisters
*Bandage the burn
*Take a pain reliever
So I'm going to have to bring him back here so I can use the sink so I head back out to the woods to my fort. As I approach the fort I don't hear anymore crying. I go inside and see him blankly staring at the wall. I clear my throat and he jumps a little.
"I'm gonna have to bring you back to the house to run the burn under cool water if that's alright."
"That's fine I guess." He says quietly while standing up we leave the fort and head back to my house when we get inside I lead him to the kitchen I have to get a little step stool so he can get his head under the water I turn it on and have him put his head under it as I go to the bathroom to see if I can find the other stuff, I find some bandages and some ibuprofen this is what my mom gives me for pain so I'll give it to him I guess I walk back to the kitchen and sit with him as 20 minutes pass by when they finally do I turn the water off and try my best to bandage up the burn once I thought it was good enough I gave him the Ibuprofen he swallowed it and we stood there silent for a second not knowing what to say till I spoke up.
"So what's your name? My name is Katsuki Bakugou." I say confidently putting out my hand for him to shake
"Um I'm Shoto Todoroki." he said taking my hand for a small hand shake
"Are you gonna go back home or if you don't want to you could spend the night here, you might get a lot of attention in the morning though because my friends are here and they're kinda energetic."
"Um, I'd like to stay here if that's alright."
"Alright let's go upstairs then I'm getting tired, you can sleep in the bed with me I don't really feel like making another pallet."
We go up to my bedroom and get ourselves tucked in closing our eyes to go to sleep.

1260 words
I'll try to make these longer and maybe try to do separate paragraphs but I'm kinda really bad at that, same with grammar so sorry for that. Also sorry for not updating these stories consistently.

Are you alright?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora