epil. an eternal love

Start from the beginning

"Hey! Our relationship is just as important as my studies. I weigh my priorities fairly well," I swing our hands as we walk down the corridor and into the open campus. "Also, how's Yuri doing? I haven't called her in a bit because I've been busy with the mom-kid event."

"She says she's doing fine and that she misses you more than me. Although I am bitter, I suppose that you guys have a better relationship. She also added that she quote-on-quote bagged that boy from prom," Good job, Yuri! Following in my footsteps, I see. Have men trip over you! "Jaeyun, right? Yeah. Good for her."

I raise an eyebrow. "Are you not mad that your sister has a potential boyfriend?"

"Of course I am. My sister being in another man's grasp is odd because she's never been the type to commit," He complains, glad she's not here to hear him. "But, I have another woman to look after, considering that she's such a bright light that attracts other men. Speaking of other men, if Dohyun touches you like that again, just know he's going to get a fist in his face. Doesn't he know you have a boyfriend!?"

"Now he does after you purposely kissed me in front of him," I tease, elbowing him. "Don't worry about him, though. You know I'm always going to run back to you."

"You guys are so~ gross," I hear, making me turn around. Sunghoon smiles, waving. "Can't you do private displays of affection instead of public? We, single people, can't handle it."

"You'll live," Heeseung hisses, but Sunghoon splits us up by driving through the middle and putting his arms around our shoulders. Heeseung grabs my hand behind Sunghoon, caressing my thumb in the process. "Anyway, how was the chemistry test? Was it super hard?"

"Ask the future biochemist," Heeseung beckons to me. "I found it hard."

"Hah, losers. It was easy," I smirk proudly, making the two men groan. "Don't be mad that you failed!"

"We'll see," Sunghoon checks his watch by bringing Heeseung closer. "Shoot, I have to head to choir club. See you guys!"

He lets go of the both of us, dashing toward the music department. Heeseung and I face each other, shaking our heads.


"Wow," Heeseung holds a bouquet of flowers, all of the arranged colors and different types. He hands it to me just as we hug, one arm around my waist as the other cups my cheek. "I'm speechless every time I see you dressed up. Wow. I can't believe how good you look."

I close my car door, locking it. "Sometimes I think that you're just saying it to egg me on," I reply, making him shake his head furiously in denial. He kisses my cheek in hopes to prove his point, but all I do is smile. "Whatever. Since it was your turn to plan our date, thankfully, on our one-year anniversary, I am following your lead."

"Great!" He exclaims, letting go of me and turning to his car. "Our anniversary date will be... here! In this parking lot!"

My expression falls. "Heeseung. We're in a damn parking lot. You can't be serious."

"Wait, wait, hear me out for a minute, okay?" He hisses, lifting the rear door. As it goes all the way up, it reveals a fairy-light-lit trunk, a picnic blanket, and some food. Proudly, he faces me again, hands on his hips. "And from this spot, we can watch the stars. I know you hate crowded places, so tonight, it's me and you."

"How sweet," I cave, moving the dessert over to sit on the blanket. He joins me under soft-orange light, already beginning to stare. "You know, every date you plan, you outdo yourself."

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