Happy Father's Day

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A little angst about how Hunter got his scars by the way and Belos blame himself for hurting his nephew T◡T

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A little angst about how Hunter got his scars by the way and Belos blame himself for hurting his nephew T◡T


Comfort hug for the both of them ♥︎

And Belos giving Hunter a kiss on his forehead ♥︎

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And Belos giving Hunter a kiss on his forehead ♥︎

And Belos giving Hunter a kiss on his forehead ♥︎

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I decided to add a small comic of Hunter getting sick and accidentally calling Belos "Dad" cause why not :)

I decided to add a small comic of Hunter getting sick and accidentally calling Belos "Dad" cause why not :)

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Good Parent AU | The Owl HouseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora