Neteyams eyes fell heavy as Beatrices heartbeat lulled him to sleep, Neytiri finally calming down enough to fall asleep with her family after some time.

Lo'ak was the first to wake, which has never happened before. The sun peaking through the entrance of the pod hit his eyes perfectly, causing him to wake and squint as he rubbed his eyes. He looked around at his family slowly, the shock still setting in over his brother being alive. His ears twitched as he heard a small whimper, Neteyams head shooting up at the sound as well. The brothers looked to Beatrices face, watching as her nose scrunched slightly before her eyes started to flutter, opening slowly.

Beatrice felt the world spinning as she finally got her eyes to open, both of her hands being held preventing her from rubbing her eyes. Beatrice felt one of her hands being let go of, hands cupping her cheeks gently as she blinked the person into focus.

As soon as Neteyams face focused in her field of view, Beatrices breathing hitched in her throat. Her now free hand came to cup his cheek softly, almost scared to touch him as if it was a dream. Memories of the night before finally flooded back, a smile growing wide on her face as she looked into Neteyams eyes.

"Ma'Teyam?" Beatrice whispered, shock laced in her words. Her eyes filled with tears, watching as Neteyams filled as well.

"Ma'Bea." Neteyam whispered back, a wide grin growing on his lips as well. Neteyam immediately leaned forward, colliding their lips with a passion Beatrice had never felt before, both smiling into the kiss. Neteyam pulled away after a moment, resting his forehead against hers gently.

"I am right here." Lo'ak whispered, accidentally scaring the two. Beatrice started to giggle at the simplicity of his statement, causing Neteyam to join her, which led to Lo'ak beginning to laugh as well. The threes laughter woke the rest of the family, everyone excitedly shouting Beatrices name as they realized she was awake. Tuk climbed on top of Beatrice in a hug as Neytiri and Jake kissed her head, Neteyam having pulled away from laughing. Kiri buried her head into Beatrices shoulder, Beatrice immediately taking the two girls into a tight hug. Everyone looked up as Ronal entered the pod, Neytiri letting her know she was just in time. Ronal marched up to Beatrice, who was now sitting up thanks to Lo'ak. The Tsahik gently smacked Beatrices head, causing the Sully family to look at her in confusion, Neteyams tail flicking behind him angrily as Beatrice rubbed her head.

"What was that for?" Beatrice whined, looking up at the Tsahik. Ronal pointed a finger in the girls face, the Sullys watching as Beatrice was about to get scorned.

"Tell me you knew of the risk." Ronal demanded gently, knowing she still had to be gentle towards the woman. Beatrice hung her head as everyone except Neytiri looked at her confused.

"I did not know for sure, Tsahik, but it was worth the risk.." Beatrice mumbled, fidgeting with her fingers.

"It was worth the risk of having the Sullys have to bury two people they love?" Ronal asked, Beatrice flinching at her words as the Sullys looked at her in shock.

"Ma'Bea? There was a chance neither of us would have come back?" Neteyam asked softly, taking her hand once again. Beatrice couldnt help but look up at Neteyam as he spoke, her ears lowering in shame. Her eyes snapped to Lo'ak as he stormed out of the pod, Beatrice flinching as Kiri and Tuk started smacking Beatrice gently. Neytiri shooed Kiri and Tuk out, pulling Jake with her as she followed her children out of the pod as well.

"I had to take the risk, Tey. They needed you.." Beatrice spoke gently, her eyes lowering to her legs. She could hear Ronal huff, the Tsahik shaking her head.

"Lay back down, i need to look you over before you go back to your marui." Ronal spoke, Beatrice nodding before laying back down. She caught sight of Neteyams sad face, causing a frown to grow on her lips.

"Please understand, Ma'Tey. You were worth the risk." Beatrice spoke softly as Ronal started checking her over, poking her skin in a few places as she worked. Neteyam stayed silent, rubbing Beatrices hand softly.

"You are going to have a lot to explain, my love." Neteyam responded, Beatrice nodding to his words.

Once Ronal was finished checking Beatrice over after some time had passed, she approved for Beatrice to be able to go back to her and the Sullys maruis. Neteyam held her hand tightly as they walked to the Sullys pod, Beatrice practically glued to his side as if he would disappear if she stepped too far away from him. She knew she had lots of explaining to do for the Sullys, but she couldnt help but be excited to have Neteyam all to herself, the realization that he was here with her not fully setting in yet.

Once the two made it to the Sully pod, the stepped in to find the family seated, waiting in a circle. There were open spots for the two, Neteyam and Beatrice taking them immediately before Beatrice took a deep breath.

"I am sorry." Beatrice started, sighing as everyone stared at her. "There was something missing, and i knew it could only feel worse for you guys. I did not realize what i was doing at first, but then i found myself at the Tree, and i just connected. I figured if Eywa could switch us, so Neteyam was here and i was gone, that missing piece would be fixed. You all have done so much for me.. i could not accept that i was the one who survived. I am just me, while Tey is your son and brother. I did not want to live in a world without him, so i just.. i did not realize there was a risk at first that Eywa would just take me as well. In my gut, i knew she would not. But there was the risk.. a risk i did not realize until after i had gone to her. And when.. when i kissed him, i could feel it sort of click into place. I did not have any time to explain before i could feel myself drifting, all i could do was wait for your excitement and hope you did not hate me. I am so so sorry for taking the risk. I genuinely did not realize until it was too late." Beatrice explained, her eyes drifting over each family member until she finished on Lo'ak, the younger boy refusing to meet her eyes. She purposely left out the part where she thought about herself dying, thinking they would scorn her about that as well. The rest of the Sullys nodded in understanding, Neytiri sighing loudly as she fought the anger she had.

Beatrice watched as Lo'ak got up and left the pod once more, sighing softly. She felt Neteyam gently squeeze her hand, giving him a soft smile before getting up and chasing after the younger brother. She found Lo'ak curled into a ball on the sand, sniffling quietly to himself.

"Bubba.." She spoke softly, sitting next to him. He looked away from her, staying silent. She slowly reached over, taking his hand gently. "I am sorry, Lo'ak. I just thought after everything.. you would prefer to have your brother." Beatrice spoke sadly, rubbing her thumb over the back of his hand. His head snapped to her, tightening his grip on her hand.

"You are my sister! My best friend! How could you be so okay with leaving me?" He asked, tears falling from his eyes. Beatrice frowned at his words, shaking her head rapidly.

"Bubba, i did not want to leave you! I never wanted that. I am so sorry, Lo'ak. I just thought it would have been the best option.. Lo'ak, you are the reason i did not just end it.." Beatrice admitted, her eyes lowering in shame. Lo'ak flinched at her words, the thought of losing them both physically hurting him. "I knew with the way i was feeling, that i had to make the best of it. And that was offering myself to Eywa in place of Neteyam before it was too late. Does that make sense?" Beatrice asked softly, her free hand coming up to tuck his hair behind his ear. Lo'ak lowered his eyes, his ears lowering as well as he nodded. "I did not want to leave you, Lo'ak. You were the reason i stayed. After Eywa had declined me... i will just admit there was some hours where i doubted my strength. And then you, you stinky, annoying, irritating boy popped into my head." Beatrice teased, resulting in a smile cracking on Lo'aks face. "I am so sorry, bubba."

Lo'ak jumped into Beatrices arms, hugging her tightly as the tears slipped down his cheeks. Beatrice immediately hugged him back, her hand rubbing up and down his back comfortingly.

"I love you, Lo'ak. You are my brother, forever and always, okay?" Beatrice finished gently, closing her eyes.

"I love you too, Bea."

oeyä tìyawn ~ neteyam sullyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن