you can have it.

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sept. @ university of connecticut

emily's pov
it's been about a month of being at college. right now, i'm in my dorm working on some paper for my english class. but, i can't bring myself to actually start working on it. so, i decided to see what my roommate, jalynn, was doing tonight to get my mind off of school.
"hey jalynn, what are you doing tonight?"
"my boyfriend's frat is throwing a party if you wanna come."
"yeah, for sure. i cannot work on this paper any longer."
"how much do you have done?"
"uhh. i clicked tab so i've got a pretty good start."

time skip to party

jalynn basically ditched me as soon as we got to the party. which is fine but i haven't really made any friends since i've gotten here so i don't have anyone to talk to. i decide to get a drink to take my mind off of things. as i'm walking to the kitchen a girl gets pushed into me and accidentally spills her drink on me. she's really pretty.
"shit, i'm so sorry," she says.
i reply, "nah, it's okay. i didn't really like this shirt anyways."
she chuckles.
"here," she takes my hand and drags me into the bathroom.
she takes her sweatshirt off and gives it to me and says, "yeah, i don't think that's coming out so you can wear this."
"you sure?" I ask.
she laughs, "yeah, i'm sure. you can have it. i've literally got like fifty uconn sweatshirts in my closet. i think i'll be okay without this one."
i smile, "thanks. i'm emily by the way."
she reaches her hand out, "paige. nice to meet you."
i change into the sweatshirt and we make our way to the living room and sit on the couch next to each other.
paige asks me, "so, what year are you?"
"i'm a freshmen. what about you?" i ask.
"i'm a junior," she replies, "did you come here alone?"
"no, i came here with my roommate but she kinda ditched me as soon as she saw her boyfriend. i really only came here so i wouldn't stress about doing homework."
"do you wanna get out of here? maybe grab something to eat?"

okay first chapter kind of short but let me know what you think

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