Chapter 1- After "Jem" ended

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Note: If you can't tell by the name of the chapter, this takes place after the TV show ends, just an fyi! Enjoy! :)
*Minor blood warning*

*An hour after the party for Ba Née*
*Jerrica, Rio, and the holograms are cleaning up the mansion with the help of some of the starlight girls and the misfits*

Riot: Hey Jerrica, have you seen Jem?
Jerrica: Oh hello Riot, Jem ran to the mall, I'll let you know as soon as she gets back.
Riot: I'll wait here for her.

*A few minutes later*

Jerrica POV: Phew, I'm done cleaning. Oh yeah, Riot wanted to see Jem.
Jerric: Showtime Synergy.
*Jerrica walks out of her bedroom and downstairs*

Pizzazz: Hey Jem, look, I wanted to apologize for everything. I hope The Misfits and The Holograms can be friends now.
Jem: Of course they can, I accept your apology Pizzazz.
Riot: Oh Jem! There you are.

*Pizzazz and Jem would smile at each other and give each other a hug as Pizzazz and the Misfits would leave a wave bye to The Holograms, The Stingers, and the starlight girls*

Jem: Hello Riot.
Riot: So about that kiss Jem.
Jem: Oh Riot, you gave that kiss to Ba Nee, don't worry about it.
Riot: Jem, I-
Rio: Hey Jem!
Riot POV: How dare he interrupt me.
Riot: We're in the middle of something, Boy Scout.
Rio: Oh you-
Jem: Stop!
*She gets between the two*
Jem: It's true Rio, we were in the middle of a conversation.

*Riot smirked at Rio*
*Rio glared at Riot angrily*

Riot: I'm just going to say it, Rio you are such a pathetic man.
Rio: Oh yeah? Tell me how, your majesty.
Riot: You are cheating on Jerrica with Jem and poor Jem and Jerrica don't even know!

*Jem covers her mouth*

JemPOV: I never thought of it like that...
Rio: I-...
Riot: You see? You can't deny it. Poor Jem is over here in shock. Imagine how your precious Jerrica will react when I tell her.
*Rio grabs Riots collar*
*Riot grabs Rio and pushes him off of him into the wall*
Jem : Stop it! Stop it now you two!

*The Holograms and the Stingers rush downstairs*

Kimber: What in the world?!

*The Starlight girls trying peeking but Aja , Shana and Raya get them back in their rooms*

Minx: Rio!
Rapture: No Minx!

*Rapture grabs Minx's arm*

Rapture: You'll only get hurt, stay by me and let Riot get his anger out.

*Jem didn't know what to do, she just stood and watched with her mouth covered as the man she once loved beat the man that she loves now*

*Rio would punch Riot in his face, making him fall, and then Rio would get on top of him only to get punched in the side of the head, knocking him out*

*Rio fell in front of Jem's feet*
*The Holograms and Stingers came behind Jem*
*Riot got up and wiped the blood from his lips*
*The silence in the room was loud...*

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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