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They see the mall in the distance, only instead of the bright look it usually held, it was now showing the number one sign that something from the Upside Down was present: flickering lights.

"Did they ever make it out of the mall?" Sam voices everyone's concern.

Quickly, they run back over to the radio, trying to communicate with the group. "Griswold Family, do you copy? This is Scoops Troop. Griswold Family, I repeat, do you copy? This is Scoops Troop."

All they get in response is a loud roar as the Mind Flayer tosses the walkie to the other side of the mall, right next to where the teens were now hiding.

Bianca begins to tremble as the monster makes it rounds around the food court, only amplified by Dustin's panicked shouts into the broken radio. They could practically feel the floor vibrating underneath them, reminding them of just how much damage this thing can and will cause.

Eventually, Sam and Steve get enough of the waiting around for a response, charging towards the car.

"You can navigate without me right?" Sam calls out to Dustin and Erica, who nod.

"Yeah, but where are you going?"

"To get them the hell outta there," Steve responds. "Stay here, contact the others."

"Shit," Robin starts to follow them, figuring they might need all the help they can get.

"Wait, Robin," Dustin tosses her a walkie. "Stay in touch."

"Got it."

"Come on," Sam leads them to the convertible as the creature continues to loom over the trembling teens.

The monster inches closer to the car, just getting ready to fling it out of the way and tear the group apart when something clatters to the ground at the Gap, distracting it.

Bianca takes in a breath as it does so, knowing it was after Mike, Max, and El. She taps Lucas with fear in her eyes, gesturing to his slingshot with shaky hands.

"What?" he mouths.

"Distraction," she nods.

"What are you doing?" Nancy questions as he picks it up.

"Don't worry," he slowly stands, shooting a balloon near Sam Goody's, which gives both groups a chance to get away.

They run through the back entrance, eventually making it out of the mall, only this time without Mike, El, and Max. "Go, go, go!"

"Where are they?" Bianca shouts, opening the van doors.

They jump in just as Billy makes his presence known, revving his engine again.

"Get the car started," Nancy holds her gun up.

Jonathan quickly inserts the ignition cable into the back, hopping in the van as Dawn tries to start the engine.

She turns the key, only for the engine to sputter. "You've gotta be fucking kidding me."

"Dawn, we have to go!"

"I'm trying!" she shouts, tears brimming her eyes as she turns it a few more times, now with the looming threat of Billy speeding towards them.

Nancy continues to fire at him, but it doesn't stop the boy.

"Nancy, he's not stopping!" Dawn continues to turn her keys, a shriek leaving her mouth as Billy gets about an inch away from the van, only offset by the yellow Cadillac crashing into his side.

Inside was Steve, Sam and Robin, who all looked a bit shocked themselves from the hit.

"Are you okay?" Steve asks the girls, who give him a look that said the exact opposite.

SINISTER ~ STRANGER THINGS (2)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu