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"M-micH I Love you!" -eddy Edward🧛
"B-but Bella!" -mich
"Mich if you were a cute out of 10 you would be a cute bc you cuteeee" -eddy
"Oh, eddy!"-mich
"Edward who's that chick😡" -Bella the pick me
"My smol bean named mich"-eddy
"Ew furry" - eddy
"But Eddy we fell in love first!"-bella
"Shut up freak"-eddy
"Mich kiss me micH!"-eddy
"No you ugly and I used you for money fatty"-micH
*flys away*-mich
"Bella you were right"-eddy
*slaps eddy bc he's ugly and a player*-bella
"Ugh! Mich was so beautiful I CANT stop thinking about her and the $2727 she stole!"-eddy
*meanwhile micH is talking to Jacob and Nessie now bc..*

"Hey dawgs"-micH
"Literally 🤓"-mich
"I'm n-n-not a dawg!"🥺-Nessie
"Oh my ba-"-micH
"😭😭Jacob poo"-Nessie
"It's okay baby I got you"-Jacob
"Jacob micH is being a meany"-Nessie
"It's Oki baby I'll protect you!"-jacob
"MicH i think you should leave"-Jacob
"Jacob don't lie to your ugly ahh gf, she should know you cheated on her."-micH
"WHAT n-n-n-no"-Jacob
"Yeah huh, with ME"-micH
"Shut up SL🤬T!!"-mich
"😨, erm"-Jacob
"Nessie I can explain"-Jacob
"😭" *runs* - Nessie
"MicH, Kiss me!"-jacob
*jacob turns into a wolf🐺*
🐺-booo loser
🐺-you couldn't handle the alpha anyways!
shut up-micH
MicH flys away into the western world and goes to her besties gun shop

*mich trying out guns*
"Would like to bye a gun😊"-micH
"Word"-James Marsden
"MicH just be careful Ik how you are"-James Marsden my pookie
"Sure thangggg😜"-mich
"Hey..!"-James madden pookie
"Say hi to the kids for me.. heh 😼"-pookie boo bear James Marsden
"Alright 😼"-micH
*mich goes to eddys house to kill him first but finds eddy and Jacob making a homemade boom to blow up mich*
*she shoots them and they die*
*MicH goes back to kids*

"hey kids"-micH
"hey lady"-kids
"Yes lady?"-kids
*shoots kids*

•MicH shoots the kids bc they are FBI spy's And they are grown men that look like children•

"Noooo"-Kids but also not kids
*pookie James Marsden walks in*
"Hey, everyon-" -pookie
"James they are dead now"-mich
"I need to find my man now"-micH
"Okay, have fun"-James Marsden also known as pookie
*mich goes and finds HER pookie*
*she finds him*

"Hey micH! Wsp?!"- ???
"Nothing but need to tell you something"-micH
*mich grabs him and kisses him and it lasts for 48mins*
"Omg!! Will you marry me??"-???
*Eminem and MicH hear footsteps*
"🤬"-Bianca bc micH stole all of her 85 pookies
"I HATE YOU KITTEN>:3"-me bc
"Guys this isn't you!!🥺"- slimshady
*mich and Bianca run away bc Besties before Hottys*
*mich and me bianca make up and compromised, micH gets to marry Eminem and bianca gets to marry James and Neymar and the rest of the 85dudes she likes even Jacob bc the bullet micH shot Jacob with wasn't a silver bullet and only sliver can kill a werewolf, search it up if you don't believe me you freak! Anyways the end*
*they also all live in the same house btw*

THE END for now😈

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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MicH in the twilight saga😩Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz