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a/n: please please please excuse any mistakes. she's lengthy real bad, lol
happy reading !


As Fatima sat outside in her car getting some air and smoking a blunt, Zac sat at his kitchen table watching his sister come to as she slowly regained consciousness.

"Uhhhh" she grabbed her head and realized she was only able to open one eye. Her mouth was bloody and raw and her forehead was all knotted up.

"Shit" Zac said shaking his head "Simone..can you hear me?"

She slowly nodded.

"Good, maybe you can help me figure something out then"

"What?" she mumbled, wincing in pain and slowly pulling herself up and against the refrigerator door. She coughed twice before spitting blood and 2 teeth in the floor.

"5 years ago, when mama had that allergic reaction while I was at work..remember when you said you couldn't find her pen? You remember that?"

Simone didn't speak right after which pissed Zac off. "What the is there to think about? You a little banged up so I get it but it's a yes or a no"

Simone spit again before laying her head back on the door. "Can I get a water or something first?" she asked out of one side of her mouth.

Zac didn't move, "Yes or no"

"Yes" she finally answered making Zac nod as he got up from his chair. Her eyes grew wide when she saw his gun sitting on the table as he grabbed her a room temperature water from the against the wall. "Here" he chucked it at her, making her flinch.

He set back at the table, cupping his hands in front of him. "Got another one for you..is it true you confessed you knew exactly where her epiPen was?"

It was so silent in the room, all you could hear was the ac unit and Simone gulp in fear.

"I'll take that as a yes" He oddly chuckled, leaving Simone sitting in fear.

"Wh-what are you talking about bro?"

"Bro" he laughed, "You're really a fucking idiot you know that? you wouldn't think your bro", he mocked her tone "the fucking police officer would find out his sister spent up all her inheritance paying off a bunch of crooked ass cops for not submitting your signed confession? you not as hard as you thought behind that money when they told you 25 to life huh?"

He watched her, staring off into the space as tear started rolling down her face.

"Would rather put your family in the ground then get a fucking job and work for shit."

Zac turned his body back toward where she sat in the floor, he sighed and shook his head as he screwed the silencer on his weapon.

"I could just arrest you and let you rot but that's too easy" he twisted the mechanism tightly, "besides you threaten to kill me, my son and his mother behind some money you would never see even if we were dead and you know too many of Fatima's secrets. Your weak ass would snitch for a week of extra phone time" He laughed to himself. "I can't have that"

Zac got a good grip the gun as it lay rested on the table. "This shit will hurt me later but I got too much to lose. You've already shown me you're only loyal to yourself and I gotta protect my family"

"Zac! I'm sorry okay!? I'm sorry! I am your family!" Simone cried out making Zac shake his head. "Impossible. Family doesn't kill family for a come up Simone"

She just threw her head back, banging her fists on the floor.

"Last question cause I'm sick of talking to you. Remember when you said me and Fatima deserve each other?"

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