Y/n finished as they slightly bow their head down, biting their lip so hard that they may have caused it too bleed. The silence was killing them.

Then, they were surprised as a hat was placed onto their head, and they quickly looked up to see Spider-Noir playing placing his hat on Y/n's head. All the other Spider-gang standing in front of them as well.

"Eh don't worry little fella, we've had those moments ourselves. So we can't really get mad at something that we know is hard to deal with." Spider-Noir nodded, making Y/n smile a bit.

"I will admit it was kind of scary with how you yelled." Peni mumbled, making Y/n frown guiltily, "But! I can understand where you're coming from! Plus, I like how you don't take crap from No one!!" She smirked, punching the air. Her robot giving little star eyes.

"Yeah scary is a understatement...I'd say borderline terrifying Yeesh!!" Spider-Ham scoffed, only for Peni to slam her foot onto his making him do the cartoon classic 'hopping on one foot move'.

"I-I MEAN- I forgive you!" Spider-Ham winced. Y/n looked over to Peter, and he smiled.

"I already forgave you Y/n, I knew you didn't mean it kid." He shrugged, and Y/n finally looked at the last person. Gwen.

"...Gwen...?" Y/n looked at her anxiously. Slowly, Gwen walked up to Y/n, staring into their e/c eyes, her expression hardened, then they softened, hugging Y/n. Shocking Y/n for a moment.

"I forgive you..." She whispered, clutching onto Y/n. Then slowly let go. The two looked at each other with smiles, before Gwen coughed and looked away flustered.

"Thanks guys..." Y/n said, looking at all the Spider-people softly. A light, happy feeling in their chest. Yet. Something. Or more like SOMEONE, was missing...Miles...he needs to be here too. It doesn't feel right without him.

"Excuse me for a second..." Y/n dismissed their self, pulling out their phone, and clicking on Miles's contact trying to call him. It rung for a good 10 seconds before being shut up abruptly. Huh...ok...

"I'll just leave a voice message...." Y/n mumbled, something in the back of their head nagging at them, "uh hey Miles! It's Y/n, you haven't came back in...a while. And I'm starting to get concerned...Just call back or even just send a text to tell me you're ok... Cya."

Y/n then hung up and pocketed their phone, walking back out to the living room, and sitting down on the floor.

"Alright, I'm off to make the goober!! Wish me luck~" Peni smiled, about to leave. Right Then and there, Y/n stood right back up.

"Can I help you?? I'm pretty good with tech?" They asked, almost desperately. Mostly they want to help for their ever growing worry...they could use a distraction.

"Sure!! I don't mind the extra hands!!" Peni smiled excitedly, "OH!! We can give each other nicknames!! I can call you..."

Peni then began to list different nicknames, making Y/n giggle. Most of them were terrible, others being cool. But Y/n was just happy for the distraction, and Peni was happy to talk to Y/n as they listened.

*Time Skip*

Peni and Y/n walk back out of where they made the new and improved goober. Both of them giggling and talking. Peni handed Y/n the goober, and Y/n handed it too Peter.

"Hey, Looks pretty good!" Peter complimented, giving the two a thumbs up.

"Yeah, Y/n is pretty handy with tech." Peni smiled, elbowing Y/n gently. But Y/n's mind was elsewhere.

"Has...Has anyone heard from Miles...?" Y/n asked, rubbing their arm in slight concern. But everyone just shook their head No.

"Look, he's just clearing his head. You know that
Y/n. He's got what it takes like you do...but both you two still need to learn." Peter tried to be comforting, placing a hand on Y/n's shoulder. The other Spider-People, gave him a doubtful look.

A Leap of Faith (Miles Morales x Gender Neutral Reader)Where stories live. Discover now