Headcannons With Tsukasa

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Some headcannons with everyone's favorite star, Tenma Tsukasa

The theme is just phrases he says to you a lot

●"Hey! There you are! I was just wondering if you were coming to Pheonix Wonderland to watch our show!?" -insert Tsukasa Pose-

●"Oh! There you, Sweetheart. Did you pack lunch today."

●I insist on carrying you to your next class, as a worldwide shining star such as myself can handle such a task!"

●No! I am not afraid of bugs. What are you talking abou- WAHHH! What is that!?"

●"There are four things in this world I love the most....You, Saki, Wonderlands x Showtime, and becoming a star! But....maybe I favor one of them more over the others....OH UH- Of course it's the last one. I am a future star after all." (He's lying, he loves you more than the other things deep down)

●Can you believe it! Nene and Rui told me I should play the Merchant in our next show! Do I look like I'm fit to be a Merchant? No! I'm supposed to be the Prince, or the hero or something! Right?"

Don't worry, Sweetheart! Your Prince is here!" -picks you up out of nowhere and just starts running-

●"I have what it takes to be a bright shiny star! Miku Said so herself too. Oh! I mean- Emu! I said Emu!"

●"So how was our show? I blew you away didn't I?

●WAHH! ARE YOU OKAY!? I mean- Ahem! I know I'm charming and all, but you don't have to fall for me. Don't worry, I will help you out like the charming Prince I am."

●Would you like to help me practice my lines after school? We can go to my house. Saki will be glad to see you too." -Insert sweet Tsukasa voice that isn't loud-

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