Chapter One

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"You called," Sabito said as they walked into the training area where Kido sat.

"There is an ex-Foundation member now known as Akito Sumara in a small village east of the Leaf in the Land of Fire who you need to take down. He now has a family who you must also take down. Once you complete this mission you will begin the Sharingan Operation." Kido stated without making eye contact.

"Yes sir. I'll leave now," Sabito bowed, then went off to take their mission gear, preparing to leave.

Sabito knew to never ask questions, whatever mission given to them, was one they would complete. Besides, this mission would be easy. All the ex-Foundation members stopped training after the Fourth Great Ninja War; they would normally succumb to a surprise attack, few times I have ever had to use Lava Release. This, however, would be the first time Sabito had to kill a family. Most of the time their target was a lonely shop worker or construction worker. It didn't even make sense to Sabito as to why Kido wanted revenge on his old comrades so badly. It didn't matter though. A Mission must be completed no matter what. After putting on all their gear and assembling all their kunai and shurikens, Sabito left for their mission.

The Land of Rain is close to the Land of Fire but regardless, the journey took awhile, the Land of Fire is a big country. Sabito already had a plan as to how they would go about their mission; invade at night and take down the ex-Foundation member first, then the wife, then kids. According to the background check Kido had given to them prior to the mission, Akito had two kids, a thirteen-year old boy and a ten year old girl. The boy is around my age. Sabito thought.

Regardless, Sabito wanted to finish this mission quickly, after this mission would be the start of Operation Sharingan. The mission to gain the Sharingan would be Sabito's biggest mission yet. It wouldn't be some petty mission due to Kido's resentments. The mission would make The Husk respect Sabito as an equal. Besides, The Village Hidden in the Leaves among all the other Great Villages were what ruined their life, they made Sabito the monster. If it weren't for the Villages, people like Sabito, like Kido could live happily. Anyone who goes against the village's ideals for peace gets shunned. If it weren't for them, Sabito wouldn't be considered a monster, maybe once The Husk can harness the sharingan, people with different ideas can work together. However, with the Shinobi World as of now, that can't happen. This was all the "propaganda" Sabito had listened to since they were merely a child. These words are what Sabito chose to believe in. Why else would The Husk fight so hard for a cause that doesn't exist.

Once Sabito got within a few miles of the small village, they put on their mask, it was a black mask that covered their full face, only showing their eyes. Their mission uniform consisted of a dark red sweatshirt unzipped to a tight black shirt, and shorts, also black.

Sabito got to the location where the targets should be. It was a wooden cabin right next to a river. Upon looking through a window, Sabito saw all the targets sleeping on the floor with sleeping bags. This should be easy enough, I'll just do it quietly.

Sabito cut the jugular of both the woman and man leaving both the children left. As Sabito was walking to the children, they noticed that the little girl was crying while holding one of their kunai's in an attempt to protect the brother who was still sleeping. The kunai must've fallen out of my pocket as I grabbed one to kill the others.

Sabito looked over again at the little girl after looking at their open gear bag. The little girl was crying, but not making a noise. After making eye contact for a minute, the older boy woke up too. The boy yelped as he woke up, noticing his parents dead. He put his hands over his mouth trying to choke back the strangled cries that were already leaving his mouth. I need to kill them. It's my mission. Sabito began walking closer to the girl.

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