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Two years after the Fourth Great Ninja War, an ex-Foundation member known as Kido Tsumiki developed Tailed Beast Drugs and used them on himself and his partners. Sakura, Sai, and Ino formed a team in order to fight him after word got out that someone impersonating Sasuke Uchiha was terrorizing the Village Hidden in the Sand. Kido could mask his chakra as Sasuke's because of the blood and other DNA remnants left at the Valley of the End after Naruto and Sasuke had their final fight. Using Naruto's DNA, he was able to create a Tailed Beast Drug that would essentially create a chakra cloak over the user. With such a drug, he fought, and lost to Sakura Haruno and was later questioned by the Village Hidden in the Leaves. It is revealed that his tragic childhood in poverty was the motive for his focus on money and power along with all his crimes. It was never specified what happened after his interrogation, it's safe to say he was kept in prison. But what if he escaped?

During the Fourth Great Ninja War, all of the Tailed Beasts were free. Kurama decided to stay with Naruto and Shukaku with Gaara. The Four Tailed Beast, Son Goku, originally of the Village Hidden in the Stone was sealed within a child within a year after the war. The sealer was of the Village Hidden in the Rain with a group known as The Husk who had been exploiting resources from the hyper-industrialized village prior to the War, these resources included children. Having been on the search for a Tailed Beast, the first one Akio Rikiba had come across, was used.

There were many orphans after the Fourth Great Ninja War, some being as young as a few months old, Sabito wass one of them. Both of their parents were originally from the Village Hidden in the Stone and both of them died while fighting against Madara Uchiha. Being orphaned at such a young age while the village was already handling the crisis of what to do with the children, no one noticed when they were taken from the orphanage that night. It was never Akio's plan to capture a child from that village, however when realizing he could not seal the Four Tailed Beast into himself, he grabbed an infant to seal the beast into, that baby was Sabito. Sabito has always believed that this beast had been inside of them since they were born, they figured it wasn't the beast who made them a monster, but rather, themselves.

By the time Sabito had reached the age of three, Kido had joined The Husk due to his immense chakra and similar goals. Kido began to make Tailed Beast Drugs from Sabito's DNA. The goal of The Husk was to create a league more powerful than any village to keep the Shinobi World evolving. Without conflict, there is no evolution. Already having a jinchuriki, The Husk needed the Sharingan. When The Husk tried to capture Shin Uchiha, Sasuke Uchiha along with Sakura Haruno, now Uchiha had already killed him and had his clones protected in the Leaf Village under Kabuto. This angered Kido, the only way he could manage to get revenge on Sakura and Sasuke for already ruining his plans before was to get the sharingan from their daughter, Sarada Uchiha. Due to past experiences, Kido knew that he and his Tailed Beast Drugs couldn't beat a sharingan user, especially not the daughter of Sasuke and Sakura, rather than Kido or any other member of Husk capturing Sarada, he decided to send Sabito.

Since the age of five, Sabito had been training in order to one day become the most powerful shinobi. The beast inside them, Son Goku, had a seal placed on him so he could not contact any of the other Tailed Beasts, especially not Kurama. Naruto had figured that such lack of contact after the war was due to his hatred of humans and never questioned it. Sabito was able to harness the Lava Release, a Kekkei Genkai inherited by the Four Tails. The relationship between Son Goku and Sabito is comparable to what Kurama and Naruto's relationship once was. Son Goku wants to break the seal at any chance he gets, later in the story, Son Goku will take advantage of Sabito's rage and attempt a takeover of their body. Regardless of their relationship, Sabito's has never met him one on one but Son Goku has seen what life has been like for the young child. Sabito was raised to be a weapon, to be a beast. Having started rigorous training at the age of five and never knowing their parents, they have no one to love, no one to protect. Starting at the age of eight, Sabito began going on missions to kill ex-Foundation members as revenge for Kido. Akio along with the other members of Husk would aid in Sabito's training but the only mission vital to their cause was gaining the Sharingan.

Sabito learned to kill at the age of eight and with no one to love, they never thought twice about killing until the mission before they turned fourteen. That's where the story starts.

A/N: Hey guys! because I have not gone over the grammar yet, if you notice any errors just leave a comment, please. Anyways hope y'all enjoy.  

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