✵Chapter 7: It's Gonna Be Okay✵

Start from the beginning

Aya groaned in pain as her and the others landed hard against the flooring as the ship landed on the surface of the water. "Everyone okay?" She asked. She got a couple nods in return, Tuk saying a soft and quiet 'yes'.

Lo'ak began hitting the railing with one of his feet as Aya, Tsireya, And Tuk tried to help each other with their binds. A splash to Aya's right caused her to look in that direction, only to have a smile make it's way on her face.

"Neteyam!" Tuk yelled with a smile. "Hey baby brother, Need some help?" He said with a smile, going over to Tsireya to get her binds. "Shut up, Come on, Get us loose" Lo'ak said. Neteyam quickly got Tuk before facing Tsireya. "Okay, Get Tuk out of here." "Bro hurry up!" Lo'ak said as Neteyam finally came over to him.

Aya tried to get her binds herself while she waited, blocking out what was being said beside her until Neteyam was suddenly in front of her. "Hey love" He said with a smile before getting her binds.

Aya smiled wide as her binds had finally been cut. "Hi" She said before hugging Neteyam as she sat up straight, now out of her binds, not caring that Lo'ak was there. They pulled back until Neteyam went in for a quick kiss on her lips.

Aya was surprised at first but melted into his touch. "Really?" Lo'ak said from behind them, haulting the kiss. Aya was smiling like a child. "Come on let's go" Neteyam said, quickly grabbing Aya's hand. Lo'ak went to retrieve a gun. "Lo'ak" Neteyam said to his brother.

"They've got Spider" He said as Neteyam and Aya went over to him. Aya didn't know who Spider was but he must have been important to them. "We've gotta get him, Come on" Neteyam hesitated. "Come on bro! We can't leave him" Lo'ak pleaded. Neteyam groaned before following after but stopped when he saw Aya following.

"Aya no, It's too dangerous" He stopped her in her tracks. "No" She was quick to argue against him. "I'm not leaving you this time, And your not going to stop me" She said, looking in his eyes.

He sighed before grabbing her hand in his. "Come on."

They all three ran through the ship trying to locate Spider's whereabouts. They went through corridors along the ship. The two brothers had gone up the walls and began crawling along the ceiling while Aya stayed hidden off to the side since she could not climb like them.

Aya looked to the people fleeing the ship as an alarm blared, signaling the sinking of the ship.

The brothers and Aya slowly creeped to a spot on the ship as sky people walked around, but with a human boy in the middle of then with blue paint along his body like tiger stripes. Aya thought that must be Spider.

Aya waited until the brothers jumped down before she intervened taking a knife that was given to her by Neteyam and slicing at the sky people while tossing another over a railing and into the ocean.

Aya quickly looked to the loud shots behind her as Lo'ak shot at a man as he picked up his gun. "Holy shit" She whispered. "Bro come on" Spider said. "Let's go" Neteyam led Aya forwards in front of himself as they ran through the ship. Looking for a way off. They all jumped down another level.

"Thanks guys" Spider said again, But Lo'ak had been Focused on what was behind Spider. Aya followed his gaze until panic set in as one of Boss man's Avatars walked towards them and brought up his gun.

"Go!" Aya and Spider had said at the same time. Lo'ak thought it best before bringing up his own gun but Neteyam stopped him, pushing him towards Aya and Spider. "Bro, Come on! Go, Go, Go!"

They had hid behind a wall of the ship as bullets rained down by them. Neteyam kept an arm up in front of Aya, Making sure she was there but also protecting her.

"Gimme that!" Neteyam's arm left from in front of Aya as he grabbed the gun from Lo'ak's hands. He pointed it towards the men and began firing.

"Go! Go!" Neteyam looked to them, pointing towards the ocean. Spider and Lo'ak had gone but Aya stayed put. Neteyam had noticed after shooting another round. "Aya go!"

"I told you before, I'm not leaving you!" She yelled over the gunfire, bending down just a little as another round of bullets came their way.

"Aya!" Neteyam hissed. "You need to go! I got this!" He looked into her eyes, silently pleading her to leave. "Do you?!" All Aya wanted was to make sure Neteyam was safe, but she couldn't do that if she left him here.

"I'm not leaving you!" She yelled at him, On the brink of tears. This was the worst time for her to cry but she wanted him safe. "Please." They had both ducked further behind the wall as more bullets came.

Neteyam knew she wasn't going to leave so he decided to leave as well. "Alright fine" He placed a hand on her cheek. "We leave together" She nodded in response.

Their time was cut short however as the Avatar's had gotten closer. Neteyam went first right as an Avatar aimed up his gun. "Neteyam watch out!" Aya pushed him to get into the ocean faster before she too quickly dived off the demon ship.

When Aya had finally opened her eyes she saw Lo'ak and Spider swimming to the surface. Neteyam surfaced along with them as they all cheered and wooped.

"Bro!" Lo'ak yelled with a laugh as Spider and Neteyam joined in the laughing. Neteyam looked back quickly to see Aya swimming up to the surface. He smiled knowing they all made it out okay. "That was insane cuz!" Lo'ak continued.

Lo'ak and Spider high-fived right as Aya hit the surface of the ocean. Neteyam just knew something was not right as she struggled to stay afloat. "Aya?" Concern flowing through.

Tsireya had suddenly showed up on her Ilu. "Get on" She spoke up as Lo'ak and Spider swam over to her. But Neteyam continued to swim towards his love.

"Aya what's-" Neteyam stopped his sentance as he noticed the blood mixed with the oceans waters. Aya was gasping for air, trying to stay afloat. "Aya!" Neteyam had never freaked out like this in all his life as he finally took in what happened as he grabbed onto her.

"Aya's been shot!" He yelled to the others. Neteyam slowly pulled her into his grasp while trying to stay afloat himself. "Hold on Aya.." Neteyam was panicking. He hadn't known what to do at this moment.

"Aya!" That was Tsireya as her eyes became clouded with forming tears for her sister. "Get her on the Ilu!" Lo'ak rushed to his brother as fast as he could before helping Aya. Aya hissed in pain as she was brought to the Ilu.

"Hang in there Aya" Lo'ak said as they reached the Ilu. Neteyam quickly hopped onto the Ilu before her to help her up.

"Give her to me carefully" Neteyam said to Tsireya and Lo'ak as they slowly and carefully hoisted her up. Aya groaned in pain, clutching onto her side where the bullet had been.

Tsireya got on the front to hold her sister in place with one of Aya's arms over her shoulder while Neteyam helped, sitting behind her while Spider and Lo'ak held onto the sides of the Ilu.

"Go!" Neteyam said to Tsireya as she ushered her Ilu faster through the water. "I got you, I got you.." Neteyam said softly as Aya struggled to breathe as the pain became unbearable.


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