The Diner

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The bell rings on the diner door and I say my usual greeting. “Hello, welcome in, take a seat anywhere and I'll be right with you” I say it without even looking, or thinking really, I say it so many times throughout the day, it’s habit at this point.  

His face is annoyed, his nose is slightly bleeding, and there are scratches and bruises all over him. He mumbles under his breath as he slides in the bench “what a fucking stressful day” 

I finish up with my current patron and look around to see where he sat, and sure enough it’s my section. His back is to me but for some reason I feel drawn to him. As I get closer, I see his hair isn’t black but a deep purple, about shoulder length, and pulled into a low messy ponytail. Interesting. I also notice his sharp suit is rather ragged and dirty, and I am utterly shocked when I finally see his face “Hello and welcome to.... Oh, my word!.... honey are you ok?” 

I notice him grimace at my words, he looks angry for a second then just sighs and points at the menu “I want this, and a beer. Thanks” ok. Cheeseburger, fries and a beer. He looks like he needs a hospital, then only after that, a warm meal. I respond in my sweetest voice “Of course Hun, I'll get that started for you.” 

His tone was quite rude, but I suppose I've had worse customers. I wonder what happened to him?  

I put the order in and decide to grab a clean washcloth and wet it with warm water, maybe I can help him clean up a little. I make my way back to his table, holding out the damp cloth “Here Hun, I think it best you clean up a bit, don’t want to scare the other customers, right?” I flash him a sweet smile, waiting for him to take me up on the offer.  

He looks me up and down and grumbles to himself but takes the cloth and starts to dab at his bloodied skin “Like I care about the other custo... aahhh” he groans and flinches in pain. It's clear he can’t do this on his own.  

I cross my arms and tap my foot, letting my sassy side come out “Alright, listen here tough guy, why don’t you come with me for a minute and I will help you. You are quite the sight right now” as I start to look closer at his face and really study it, I notice the piercing green in his eyes and it makes my insides tighten, I can feel the heat in my cheeks, but I try to ignore it. I tap my foot again waiting for him to give in and follow me. 

He lets out an exasperated sigh but says “Yes ma’am” once he stands, he looks down at me and I can’t help but let out a small gasp realizing just how tall he is. He is muscular but slender. I’m slightly intimidated now but try to stay in charge of this odd situation. I grab his arm and guide him toward the back, through the kitchen and into the small back room that we take breaks in. I sit him down in the only chair that is next to a small table. I turn and start to rummage through the shelves for our first aid kit and ask, “So what’s your name, and how bad is it?”  

He doesn’t respond “My name is Lillian by the way; you can call me Lily if you like.” I see out of the corner of my eye that he has eaten some fries that were left on the table and his eyes are... is he checking out my ass right now? I quickly look back toward the shelf to hide my blush.  

“You Can call me Ez, if you want, and it’s not that bad” yeah right I can see blood all over his shirt. Unless it’s not his... This thought has me aroused for some reason. Ok, focus. 

With the kit in hand I turn and look at him “Ok Ez, I don’t think you’re telling me the truth, but that doesn’t matter right now. You are clearly injured and should have gone to a hospital, but instead came here. So now you deal with me. Get that shirt off...” I find I'm holding my breath waiting for his reply. 

He lets out a deep chuckle, “I don’t have any injuries under my shirt, but if you want to see my body that badly...” He paints a devilish smirk on his handsome face as he unbuttons and removes his blood-stained shirt. Which I point out “well, there is a lot of blood on it, I just want to make sure, so, come on stand up, give me a spin and let me inspect you” 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2023 ⏰

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