Chapter 1.

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Trigger warning this implies Underage drinking, smoking, racism and death!! (All in the pov of ruby!)
Me and my family used to be so happy

Till they took my dad to war

He never came back...


My dad's been gone for almost a year...
I didn't take the news well...
I started hanging out more with my friend Vance Hopper he's well known for being the toughest kid in school and an extremely bad influence on me
He got me into smoking and drinking. He even got me into fighting more.
I wasn't always a bad kid...
But when someone you love leaves you it's hurts and for me this was what felt like my only escape from reality.
But maybe if I took it better I wouldn't have ended up in this stupid boarding school...

But before I left I made a couple of new friends!...


He's so sweet I don't know why anyone would bully him or treat him like he's invisible? He's actually really cool and he's pretty mature for an 11 year old! He's basically like my little brother anyone who even tries to fuck with him is going to get their ass dragged by me


He's cool and his dog is adorable! Like a big teddy bear! Billy is really nice too. He used to help me out with my English homework he became my tutor and we soon became close friends! He was one of the the few who didn't judge me for my ethnicity or the color of my skin...

Bruce <3

Bruce and I have known eachother since the beginning of 5th grade we were practically inseparable! Maybe that's why we eventually got so close? And soon we started dating! Probably the best few months of my life...! He was the only other person other than Robin that understood my struggles.


Amy is Bruce's younger sister she's also friends with Gwen! She really sweet Bruce is so lucky to have a sister that's nice. The both of them have a good relationship with eachother.


Me and Finn started hanging out a bit after him and Robin became friends. I just wanted to be more social. I thought maybe if I started hang out with people that weren't crazy or addicted to something that it would eventually rub off on me but clearly it didn't happen. Besides that hes pretty cool he's kind of a nerd? In a good way obviously! Plus his sister Gwen is pretty funny!


Finns younger sister.
She's cool too and really funny I love that her finney have eachothers backs kinda how me and Robin also have eachothers backs.


Besides him being a total psycho and a horrible influence on me he's actually not that bad!? He's tends to be a bit of a hothead but nothing too unbearable. And he surprisingly gives out good advice? He's my best friend other than Robin and Bruce of course! Sometimes I even consider him like an older brother!


She's literally a sweetheart! No wonder Finn's obsessed with her. I can tell he has a MASSIVE crush on her he's practically eye fucking her whenever he thinks no one's looking. She's super pretty! She's like the sister I've always wanted!


He's my twin brother. He's cool I guess  but sometimes he's super annoying... He's also considered the 2nd toughest kid in school. We're pretty similar besides looks he looks more like my dad than our mom. Besides our younger siblings he's the only one I actually don't completely hate. No one knows but his real name isn't even Robin it's actually Roberto we just call him Robin as a nickname.

And Me

I'm Valentina Arellano but I go by Ruby cause my parents thought it would be cute if we had matching nicknames. It's kinda annoying but I never said anything about it cause I didn't want to hurt their feelings...

It doesn't matter anymore anyways...

It's too late

They're gone...

The both of them

Robin and my dad...

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Uhm hope yall are like this so far cause I'm might releasing chaper 2 tmr night! Anyways please lemme know how yall are liking my oc Ruby aka Valentina!! :))

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