Information on OC(updatable)

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Might add more abilities later on.

Bloodline: Acedia
Users become an embodiment of sloth and gain power from laziness of others and oneself, users can even use sloth of others or oneself to transform into a more powerful form. The user can make the enemies lack motivation to attack or want to do anything. They can summon other beings to fight in their stead, and can cause others to commit suicide from not wanting to do anything. Note that users of Acedia are known to rival the Nara in intelligence and are worse than the Nara when it comes to their lazy habits.

The first ability of Acedia is Phasing, attacks won't work on the user and the user can't attack back while using this ability.
The second ability is Power Nullification as as long as the user understands the attack they can Nullify it.
The third ability is Life Force Absorption, the user can only use this ability when in near death situations or to heal a severely injured sentient creature, whether they be bijuu, animal, human, demon, angel, or even gods.
The forth ability is call Slothful Rage, it takes the power the user has gained multiplies it by how much the user can handle at that time and turns the lazy user into a berserker that will make it so anyone in the users sight will be in danger if the user can't control it. However in this state when controlled can go up against a bijuu and possibly win.

OC physical abilities without bloodline use
OC has tobirama level control over all the elements and can create sub elements like ice, wood, lava, and so on.
When in a fight can be more flexible then orochimaru, faster then the fourth Raikage, and as intelligent as a Nara.

Main abilities used
Sub elements and bloodline and is working on the famous uzumaki adamantine sealing chains as well as seals in general. Uses shadow clones to do anything that doesn't require physical training.

Fae's is the last known member of her clan during the third shinobi war the Acedia clan was wiped out with the Uzumaki clan since they were they tried to help the uzumaki.

Fae had to watch as her parents were killed in front of her as she was hiding in a closet.

Fae and her parents were the only ones left and had found refuge in Kiri til the bloodline purge began and her parents were the first of the ones to die at the beginning.

After watching her parents be killed in front of her she secretly vowed to find the man who did it and kill him. But all she could remember of the man was the giant clever sword the man held. So she has been living in konoha for the past 12 years. She arrived a month after the kyuubi attack.

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