chapter thirtytwo

Start from the beginning

"Release.." Neytiri spoke, the venom in her voice making her sound completely foreign to Beatrice. "Or i cut." Beatrice could see the fear in Spiders eyes as he looked up at Neytiri, her blade to his neck.

"What, you think i care about some kid?" Quaritch retaliated, Beatrices ears twitching. She saw Jake notice her on top of the boxes, his eyes immediately leaving her to prevent Quaritch from noticing. "Hes not mine. We're not even the same species."

"Just please, please dont. Just please dont hurt her!" Spider begged, his hands raising. "Just let her go!"

"A son for a son." Neytiri growled out, her head tilting maniacally.


Beatrice watched as Neytiri sliced along Spiders chest, Spider letting out a yell of pain. Everyone could see how Quaritch hesitated, a small smirk growing on Neytiris lips. Neytiri suddenly raised her knife, a scream escaping her lips as she aimed for Spiders chest.

"No!" Quaritch yelled out, causing Neytiri to freeze. Quaritch shoved Kiri forward, freeing the girl. Beatrice watched as Kiri crawled towards her dad and Tuk, Jake slowly pushing them towards the edge of the boat as Neytiri shoved Spider to the side. As the family slowly shuffled to the edge of the boat, Beatrices tail flicked behind her as she waited until they were far enough away.

"I owe you a death!" Quaritch yelled to Neytiri, Neytiri snarling back to Quaritch in return. Neytiris eyes flicked up to Beatrice finally, her mouth opening slightly in shock.


Beatrice jumped down onto Quaritch, a scream leaving her lips as she landed on his back, the avatar falling onto his stomach. She shoved her knee between his shoulder blades, keeping him put as she slowly grabbed his queue.

"You do not deserve to live among us." Beatrice spoke menacingly, roughly tugging on his queue causing the man to shout in pain. She placed the knife she found to the base of Quaritchs queue, slowly sliding into his skin as the man started screaming in pain.

Her arm flung back after a moment, his queue swinging in her hand limply. Beatrice flipped the man onto his back, letting a scream out into his face as she dug the knife into his chest. She watched his pupils dilate before his chest released his last breath, Beatrice panting heavily.


Neytiri, Spider, and the girls all turned as they heard someone approaching from the water, Lo'ak surfacing and looking them all over as he breathed a sigh of relief. His eyes flicked over to where Beatrice crouched over Quaritchs body, his heart shattering as he didnt recognize her at first. He slowly climbed off of his ilu, handing it over to Kiri so they could go back to Neteyam. Lo'ak walked up to his dad, placing a hand on his arm.

"I got this, dad.." Lo'ak whispered, Jake looking down at his son and nodding. Jake gently grabbed onto Lo'aks head, meeting his sons eyes.

"I see you, son." Lo'aks eyes noticeably lightened at his fathers words, tears building once again in his eyes. Jake patted his sons head lovingly, leaving a kiss on the top of his sons head before going back to his mate and other kids.

Beatrices head shot up as she saw Lo'ak slowly walking towards her, her tail flicking behind her angrily. She forced herself to take a deep breath, knowing she needed to calm down before facing the rest of the family. The woman slowly stood, meeting Lo'aks eyes as she continued to take deep breaths.

"Bea..." Lo'ak whispered, his hands coming up slowly. Beatrice started to feel her hands shaking, the deep breaths becoming labored as her eyes begun to burn.

"He is dead?" Beatrice asked softly, her voice back to her usual kind tone. Lo'ak immediately knew she was talking about Neteyam, the tears slipping down his cheeks once again. A sob slipped past Beatrices lips, her hand coming up to her mouth to quiet herself. "Where?"

"Come, i will take you to him." Lo'ak responded gently, Beatrice nodding her head slowly. Lo'ak stretched his hand out for the woman, Beatrice taking it after a moment as she realized the boat was sinking. He quickly pulled her to where the family was waiting in the water, Neytiri pulling Beatrice into her arms as the sobs started to take over.

Everyone jumped as a fire suddenly broke out on the water, gasoline having leaked into the sea and became a perfect boarder. Kiri and Lo'ak started to call for more ilus, Lo'ak gently taking Beatrice from his mother and helping her onto his ilu. Everyone dived below the surface, Beatrices eyes closing as she allowed herself to be taken. She could hear Payakans wails, the tulkun joining the family as they traveled back to Neteyam.

Beatrice took a deep breath as her and Lo'ak broke the surface, slowly opening her eyes and searching to find where Neteyam laid. A strangled sob left her lips, a hand immediately coming up to her mouth to quiet herself again, allowing Lo'ak to help her up and off the ilu onto the rock.

Her eyes moved along Neteyams body slowly, more and more sobs slipping from her lips as she watched Neytiri, Tuk, and Kiri move to one side of Neteyam, Tuk taking his cold hand and holding it tightly. Beatrices eyes landed on his gunshot, her hand slipping from her mouth and moving to where she had pain previously in her chest, but no injury. A wail broke her lips as she fell to her knees at Neteyams feet, realizing she knew exactly when Neteyam was shot. Lo'ak immediately bent down to comfort Beatrice, the womans wails breaking his heart more as tears left his eyes again. She gently broke away from Lo'aks arms, crawling up to Neteyams free side, sitting on her knees as she finally looked at his face.

Nausea built up in her stomach as she realized his eyes were still open, fixed and dilated on nothing. Beatrice sobbed loudly as she gently cupped Neteyams face, slowly closing his eyes for him as lightly as she could. She knelt forward, placing her forehead against his, heartbroken wails still dripping from her lips as she squeezed her eyes shut. Her hands found his free one, clutching it tightly and bringing it to her face, burying her cheek into his hand. The Sullys watched, unable to do anything to help, Neytiri mourning for Beatrice and mourning for Neteyam.

Beatrice slowly sank onto her side, cuddling up to Neteyams cold body as she cried.


Happy birthday to Bea.

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