Some Magnets Aren't As Strong

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Y/n was driving home, and he stopped to get his "beautiful" wife some flowers and chocolates. He parked into the driveway. He got the things and went into the house.


The kids came running downstairs and jumped into their father's arms. Y/n nearly cried when he finally got to see and hug his children.

Y/N: Oh my precious treasures, how have you guys been
Rosemary: Oh, Mama, has been mean to us

Y/n: She's been what!?
Junior: S-she's been bringing different people in here, having parties and having different men in here
Rosemary:She also kept us in our rooms while she partied with the people down here.

He then heard a low growl.

Y/n: What was that?
Junior: Our stomachs, she barely fed us.
Rosemary:Sometimes she didn't, She said, "If anyone sees you two mistakes, I'll make sure you'll get worse than hunger," and slammed the door.

This made Y/n's blood boil. How could she do this?! To her own kids!

Junior: S-she also c-calls me names and let's girls do.........

He stopped and started to sob as Rosemary began to hug him. Y/n was seething with rage. Not only did she neglect her kids, but she........she let them touch him. Y/n began to comfort his son and daughter. He then took them out to the car and strapped them in

Y/n: Is there anything else you guys want to tell me?

The kids were kinda scared

Rosemary: Well, Mr. Sundowner is upstairs, in the bed.

Y/n almost blew a gasket. He told them to stay there and closed and locked the car door and rolled the window down some. He then stormed into the house and pulled out a box. He opened the box. Inside the box was twin sai, he took them out and began twirling them. Then, a smirk slow crept across his face

Akuma: Time to paint the walls

Akuma made his way up the stairs as he scraped the walls with his sai. Sundowner walked out the room, grinning ear to ear.

Sundowner: So the midgets awake

Akuma then started to grow a few feet, and his muscles bulged. He pointed his sai at him.

Akuma: I knew the bitch was whore, but really with you? Hah! How low could she get!

Sundowner then pulled out his BloodLust.

Sundowner: Big Talk for such a wimpy bitch
Akuma: big talk for someone tugging 12 STD's

That pissed him off. He then started to attack Akuma as he ducked and dodged he hit him a few times, not too hard, but enough to give him some bruises. Sundowner was pissed, Akuma dodged almost everything, until a bitch struck. Rose stabbed him in the lower back near his spine. Akuma hit her with the signature backhand. But Sundowner grabbed him and began to choke him. As Akuma was going to take his last breath, he saw Junior


Junior jumped on Sundowner's back, biting him and ripping at explosive plates.


Sundowner threw him into a wall

As Y/n Jr screamed, from the back of Akuma's mind, Y/n heard him scream and took control.

Y/n wrapped around Sundowner's arm and began putting him in an arm bar. Sundowner tried to throw him off. But Y/n wrapped around his neck and began to strangle him, sundowner tried to pull him off, but he was latched on like glue. He got him on the floor. But Y/n kept going. He clenched his teeth so hard they began to bleed.

Sundowner clawed at Y/n's face, but he was too angry to care.


Y/n Jr: Papa s-stop

He didn't listen. He kept going. Sundowner's face turned blue, and his eyes turned red. Y/n anger was greater than when you're angry at and object after you stub your toe on it


He stopped and looked at him. He grabbed him and lifted his head up, making him look at Jr.

Y/n: You see that boy right there, if you hurt him, call him a name, if you even think about him too much, or even breath the same air. I will hunt you down and cut you into little pieces, and feed you to strays. Then I'll put your head in a box. This is not a threat, this is a fucking warning.

He slammed his head into the ground, making the ground crack and slowly fill with his blood. He then went to his son and picked him up. He looked at Rose, whose head was inside a wall. He then went to the car to see Rosemary sleep.

He sat in the front seat with his son in his lap. He close the car door and drove off. He also got a few things before he left. Some clothes and belongings for him and his kids. It was only one thing going through his mind. 'She is no longer my wife nor is she my children's mother, and sundowner......He'll pay for hurting my boy, with his life'


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