Lizzie, Jarnette, David, and the twins went back home as soon as the boy was buried. Lizzie couldn't stand long on his son's tombstone so she told them she's going back home.

But Y/N stayed behind.

He wants to talk to his son. He wants to blame someone for what happened, but he couldn't point his finger to someone. He wants to know why, how it happened to them? Why them? Lizzie was a good person, he was a good person. He believes that they both deserved to be parents, deserving to have a kid.

"My boy." Y/N whispered as he ran his hand over the carved name of his kid.

Clark Mason Olsen-Y/LN

He sat there until the sun was tired and could no longer keep up with him. He doesn't wanna leave. He doesn't wanna let go. He's scared to let go, but he knows he has to.

The drive back home was the longest drive he ever felt. Maybe because he doesn't want to be home. He opened the front door and walked inside. It's dead. The feelings are dead, empty and heavy. The darkness surrounds the then brightest room of their home. The images of Lizzie and him are nothing but a blurry memory now.

He went upstairs to their bedroom, but a light crack of the supposed nursery door caught his attention. He gently pushed the door open and saw his wife fast asleep on one of the chairs, holding a book against her chest.

He gently removed the book from her grasp and placed it back on its shelf. He then looked back to his wife before he decided to pick her up, bridal style and bring her to their shared bedroom.

He laid his wife slowly to prevent her from waking up. But much to his dismay, Lizzie stirred awake and jolt upward as she hit her husband on his chest.

"Ow," Y/N winced, he placed his hand on his chest protectively.

"I'm sorry, honey, I didn't mean to do that." Lizzie apologized as she held her husband's cheeks in her hands.

"It's okay. Go back to sleep, I'll just lock the doors downstairs, okay? I'll be back." he softly said before he left his wife to do his tasks.

Once he's done, he goes back upstairs to their bedroom, expecting Lizzie asleep. He opened the door and revealed his very awake wife waiting for him.

"Is your chest okay, babe?" she nervously asked.

Y/N walked closer to her, "Yeah, it's nothing. You should be sleeping by now. You need to rest." he dismissively said.

"I was waiting for you. I can't sleep without you." she said.

Y/N smiled before he hopped on their bed and Lizzie clinging to him immediately. Y/N kissed her forehead and rested his arm around her shoulder as Lizzie laid her head on his chest.

The couple stayed in their positions in silence, neither of them sparing at word. Y/N unconsciously rubbing his hand on Lizzie's arm soothingly.

"It's unfair," Lizzie mumbled, ultimately breaking the long silence.


"What happened to us is unfair. We're good. We wished to be the best parents, to make our son the most special kid in the world, the most loved. But the universe didn't give us a chance. They took him from us. They are unfair."

"I know. And I know our son knows how good we can be if we're given a chance." Y/N whispered.

Lizzie didn't reply, instead she hugged her husband tighter, holding him for her dear life.

They eventually fall asleep in each other's arms, seeking comfort and safety from one another. Too scared that if one of them lets go, it will be the end.


Months had passed, and the two's marriage became hot and cold. When both of them are arguing, their son's death is one of the inevitable topics. Y/N and Lizzie constantly blaming each other for what happened, but it's mostly Lizzie who blames Y/N.

Y/N was the most understanding husband, letting Lizzie yell and shout knowing that she was grieving. All the words that came out of Lizzie's mouth are like daggers stabbing him, front and back.

Lizzie became careless, she drowned herself with work. Their usual sweet and loving alone time became a dark and cold war.

Now, they are celebrating their 9th year Anniversary with their friends at home. People are gathered together to celebrate another year of love and understanding of the couple.

It was bright, happy, loving, normal married people Y/N and Lizzie are from the outside, but if you look closely, you'll see the tremendous amount of heartaches the two are facing.

As the guests leave, only the couple left to clean and tidy up their home. Y/N left Lizzie in the kitchen while she was doing the dishes to smoke outside.

Cigarette became his friend when Lizzie started to neglect him.

He sat there outside with a singular bottle of beer beside him and a lit up cigarette between his fingers. He took a long drag from his stick before he breathed out a heavy breath.

"I just finished the dishes. I'll go upstairs to sleep, will you be okay here?" Lizzie asked from behind him. She noticed the smoked Y/N breathe out.

"Are you smoking?" she asked, annoyed. Y/N paid her no mind, "You know how much I hate seeing you smoke."

Lizzie walked in front of her husband and snatched the cigarette before throwing it on the ground then stomping it.

"Well, you won't have a choice when your wife is not herself and can't do the things she used to do when you're down." Y/N nonchalantly said.

Lizzie tilted her head to the side, "I'm not doing this tonight, Y/N. Goodnight." she scoffed before she walked off.

"Oh yeah," he mumbled, "In case you haven't noticed, I'm not doing too good." he sniffed.

Lizzie stopped on her tracks but remained behind, not facing him.

"I lost my son too. I lost my kid. Our kid. You're not the only one who grieves, because I do too. But how could I do that when I'm taking care of my grieving wife? How could I grieve when my wife is not done grieving?" Y/N whimpered as he was trying his hardest not to break down in front of his wife.

"It's been a year now, Liz. My mind is still not at peace. I never got the closure you had with our son. When are you going to allow me to mourn my loss?" he let go. He broke down, crying his heart out, not caring if his wife found him weak or soft.

Lizzie stood still, contemplating her next move. She heard her husband's cries, all she wanted to do was to run to him and hold him against her, but she can't do it, and she doesn't know why.

"I was never holding you back from mourning, Y/N. I never told you to not grieve. It's not my fault that you try to fix what is already broken. You were the only one trying. When are you going to get tired?"

And with that, Lizzie walked back inside their house, leaving her husband to cry to himself. Y/N felt so alone. He never felt so alone before, because he got Lizzie. But Lizzie let go, the last person he's holding onto let go of him.

A/N I'm tired of happy endings lol


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