"No, that was you, my dear, now shall we wake up poor Cosmo?" Simone asked.

"I'm going to take a shower and when I get out I want both of you gone and I hope I never see you again," Lydia said and took off towards her shower.
Lydia was dancing and singing to whatever was on her playlist.

Using her purple body scrub she washed everywhere and in doing so found, a bite mark on the inner left thigh It was small, but she could feel it.

What the hell? Did one of them bit me?

After a hot steamy shower, in which she cleaned herself five times hoping to remove any negative germs from her body.

Lydia stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her body.

Using a smaller white towel she whipped down the steam from the mirror and began looking for any other signs from last night.

Still, had my curly red mop, slight bruising around my neck where a puncture seems to be from a needle...

Looking down, her toenails were bright pink, not my color! 

She finished drying off and began getting dressed for the day.

After her lavender buttoned-up blouse was on with a shiny white tank top underneath and black slacks and black per off Lita pumps, and she was ready for the day. 

She opened the bathroom door and stepped back into the bedroom and found it spotless.

There was no messy bed with a half-naked man in her room and not too much peppermint as if someone drowned themselves in it. No overfilled ashtray on the table by the window and no blonde women trying to kiss me.

I am wondering if my transplanting to Paris was a great idea. I've only been here two nights and I found some crazy stuff already.

But isn't that what you were looking for, her inner voice asked.

"All Day and All of the Night" started playing from her cell phone.

I hear it but I'm not finding it....and then she looked under the bed and saw a flashing screen bouncing around on the floor and grabbed it.

"Hello, hello" but the caller was already gone. Odd, I don't recognize the zip code.

Glancing at the time Lydia was about to be late for her first day and ran out the door, slamming it behind her and took the stairs two at a time, and pushed through the lobby doors to the outside world.


"Looks like she was in a hurry," Cosmo commented.

"She is your recruit, not mine." Simone remarked. "Shall we go then?"

They walked around the corner just in time to see her get into a cab and watched it pulled away into traffic.

You better be on your way then Simone mentioned as he rocked back and forth on the balls of his heels.

"Have I ever told you how annoying you are?" Cosmo said and was gonna in a flash.

"You could have taken me with you." Simone said to the air and raised his hand and hailed down his taxi.

Lydia stepped on to the curb after exiting the cab. She looked up at the tall building in front of her and took a deep breath and heard cough behind her. Looking behind her stood Cosmo the guy she meet the night before at club Holes.

"I need to ask you something." Lydia said with hesitation.
"Sure what?" Cosmo asked.
"Why did I dream that I was being bitten last night?"
"I'll admit it was very sensuous, but I assure you I didn't bite you." At least not yet he said with a grin.
"Then what happened?" Lydia asked.
"It was just a dream, nothing more than that." He stated with his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket.
"A dream!" Lydia said with a gasp and then laughed.
It was very real, I'm very sure of it.
I can remember everything down to the bite marks on my leg, I mean how else would I know?
"So why am I dreaming about you?" Lydia asked.
"What makes you think it's me?" Cosmo said by the way aren't you going in?

Oh right , by the way why are you here? She asked as she moved her purse closer to her body.
He shrugged his shoulders as the doorman let him through.
Cosmo smiled as he looked at Lydia, and she noticed the dimples that appeared on his cheeks. His deep blue eyes seemed to pierce her soul.
I wonder how big he is under those clothes of his. Lydia thought.
"Are you going to stand there or are we going in?" Cosmo asked.
"In," Lydia said with a gulp and followed him into the building .
Cosmo walked over to the receptionist and started speaking to her.
Lydia glanced at her name tag and saw Gail was on it.
Excuse me Lydia said I'm not trying to be rude but, I'm running late and need to find the roseann conference room.
Gail turned back to look at Lydia and held her index finger toward a hallway on the side wall of the foyer. A sign reading ROSEANN CONFERENCE ROOM was next to it. Just follow the hall until you reach Roseanne's office. The receptionists replied and then turned back to Cosmo making sure he knew he had her full attention.
Okay great thanks Lydia said and began walking in the direction Gail had pointed her to.
I wonder how well they know each other Lydia thought as she stopped at the door way into the conference room.
Cosmo glanced the clock on the wall behind Gail and tap his hands on the desktop. Well I need to go myself he said to Gail.
Gail grabbed his hand and said are we still meeting for lunch?
Cosmo replied I'll let you know and began heading towards the same direction as Lydia did moments before him.
Simon was at the back of the room watching as Lydia walked through the door and took a seat along with several others who were already seated waiting for orientation to begin.
Simon turn slightly to the left that way he wouldn't be recognized from club holes.
As soon as everyone sat down, Cosmo entered through another set of double glass doors that led directly onto the stage area and stood looking over the group before his eyes locked on to Lydia's face.
Lydia gasped but recovered quickly so he wouldn't know how surprised she was.
Simon started chuckling to himself and crossed his legs together and watched the show unfold in front of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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