< 1st Chapter >

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I love you silently, from afar,
My heart sings for you, like a distant star,
But I keep my feelings locked inside,
Afraid to let them show, to let them collide.

I watch you from a distance, with a longing heart,
Hoping that one day, we won't be apart,
But for now, I'll cherish these moments alone,
And let my love for you continue to grow.

I love the way you smile, the way you laugh,
The way your eyes light up, like a photograph,
I love the way you move, the way you speak,
Every little thing about you, makes my heart skip a beat.

But I know that I must keep my love a secret,
For fear of what might happen if I speak it,
So I'll love you silently, from a distance,
And treasure every moment of this silent existence.

For though my love may never be spoken,
My heart will always hold this love unbroken,
And even though we may never be,
I'll love you silently, for all eternity.

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