< 3rd Chapter >

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I want to give up on these feelings I have,
To let go of this love that's driving me mad,
To move on and find someone new,
But my heart won't let go of you.

I want to forget the way you smile,
And the way your eyes light up, even from a mile,
I want to forget the way you make me feel,
And all the moments that we used to steal.

But every time I try to let go,
My heart holds on, and it won't let go,
It clings to these feelings, so strong and true,
And I know that I can't forget you.

I want to give up on this love that I feel,
To find someone who's willing to make a deal,
To give me the love that I deserve,
But my heart won't listen, it has its own reserve.

It wants you, and it wants you bad,
And even though it might be sad,
I can't help but hold on to this love,
And hope that one day, our paths will align above.

So I'll keep on fighting, to hold on or let go,
To find the strength to stay or the courage to grow,
But in the end, it's up to my heart,
To decide whether to let go or never part.

Unsaid PoemsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora