Bess- "Ace asked for a hand, so I helped him dress the salad while he cooked, and then I took Ryan's plate out with the fries."

George- "Then Bella and I brought out the drinks"

Ryan- "I stopped George, sent the salad back because I didn't want the dressing."

Everything went silent for a second and Ace had a look of horror on his face, "I-I used that salad for Tiffany's entrée."

Karen- "What?"

Ace- "I thought that Bess had accidentally plated Tiffany's salad on a side plate, I transferred it to an entrée plate. I thought it was for Tiffany's order."

Nancy- "Then I took that out to Tiffany in the parking lot."

Bess covers her mouth and everyone goes silent again. "What?" Ryan says confused, "I don't, I don't get it."

Bella turns to Ryan with a look of regret on her face. "Ryan, that poison wasn't meant for Tiffany, It was meant for you." Ryan just looked scared and ran out. Nancy follows him outside and hears his say something about being a target because of his business dealings. She responded by insulting his business strategy and he just drove off. Suddenly Nancy's phone started glitching and she saw Lucy. Taking over Nancy's phone she pulled up the camera app. Nancy assuming it was like a only camera's can see ghosts situation she started swiping her phone left to right to see where Lucy was leading her. Walking up the stairs to the Claw Lucy led her to the side of the building where Ryan and his business associates were sitting the night of Tiffany's murder, even without her ear up to the building she heard everyone talking. She figured out how the killer knew whose food to poison.

Walking into the building Nancy had a look of shock on her face, "Nancy are you okay?"

"I figured out how the killer knew whose food to put the poison on."

George- "Well spit it out Drew."

Nancy points at the door, "When I was outside dead Lucy led me to the window. I could hear everything that you were saying."

Bella finally getting it completes the thought, "So the killer must have sat there and heard Ryan order the salad and went to poison it."

Nancy nods, "Yeah."

Bella- "Okay so now we need to know who killed Tiffany, how they got the poison and what their motive was."


**The Next Morning**

Everyone is at the Claw and trying to figure out who planted the poison that was going to kill Ryan and how they got access to the poison.

Nancy- "So Claire created the poison and killed all of those people. But there must have been some poison left from all of those cases. We also know that the killer heard Ryan's food order and knew how to poison him. "

Ace- "Um, Nancy. The email address that you asked me to track down, I found the IP address."

"Good, send it to me and Bella and I will head over. Also hack into the PD database to see if they have anymore evidence from the poisoning cases."

"Will do."

"Nancy just let me go grab my stuff and then we can go."

"Okay thanks Ace. As soon as you get the details text me. Bella lets go!!"

Shouting from the back Bella responded, "Just give me a second I can't find my bag!"

While waiting for Bella to find her bag Ace looked at Nancy, "Hey Nancy? Do you know why Bella has been so distant lately?"

Not wanting to spill her friends secret Nancy said, "Look Ace, if you want to know why Bella has been distant towards you you're going to have to figure it out or ask her yourself. I'm not going to get in the middle of you two."

Just as Ace was going to say something Bella walked out with her iron-curled hair tied up and the front pieces of her hair pulled out. For some reason Ace felt butterflies in his stomach but he didn't understand why, he had feelings for Laura so he couldn't feel anything for Bella. He just needed to shove those feelings down and pretend like they didn't exist.

Just as they were about to walk out Bella and Nancy both said goodbye to Ace and that they would see him later to discuss what they had found.

AN- Sorry it took me so long to post a new part. I have been woking on another story. If you want to see the trailer for it just go to my tiktok: dctitans8. I could really use an opinion on it.

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